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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Wait till you hear what people say about you after you're gone.
  2. Poor people or 1st/2nd generation immigrants. I don't want anyone to die but I'm not going to stop living my life to it's fullest by letting myself become overpowered by empathy either.
  3. I thought we were talking about the tragic deaths of innocents. I guess I'm not the only one who can rationalize.
  4. MEGA DITTO'S RUSH! You're worth every penny.
  5. I respect your disapproval of my thought processes but I must respectfully disagree. I'm not in a position to stop the deaths in Iraq, I am however in a position to purchase oil futures. For that matter I could argue your misplaced anger and the energies that go along with it would be better spent volunteering in Iraq to help rebuild rather than posting on a message board.
  6. I should have figured as much. Put it this way, SMD ain't got shit on me.
  7. Well, I don't like to brag but you won't hear me complaining about high gas prices. If you catch my drift.
  8. Not really, I'm a half-full kind of guy. I don't see the benefit of dwelling on the negatives to the point it makes me crazy. So I guess I'm a bad, bad man for not focusing on the bad and misery that surrounds me.
  9. Exactly. Well not exactly "fuck everyone else" but I've enjoyed some of the opportunities that have arisen with out too much government interference. Sorry you find success so distasteful. Vibes.
  10. Speaking as one who has reaped some of the benefits of the recent administration, I will truly miss the big guy.
  11. He's pretty cool actually. It's a shame he can't run for a third term.
  12. JUDE will be making a brief appearance in the greater Cleveland, OH area. He will be there Thursday July 3 through Saturday the 5th. Make sure you check him out if you get a chance!
  13. I apologize for not showing the proper amount of levity in this thread. I was merely having a bit of fun with El Kev and Mr. Jules. I was mistaken to think that this thread had become stagnant and that the arguments had been hashed/re-hashed to the point they could go no further. If you found my posting about Mr. Hefner, Mr. Flint or Mr. Francis to be offensive, I had no malice intended. P.S. I will not apologize for the "Shaving Beaver" picture however, if you can't see the humor in that, you need to go outside for awhile and get some fresh air.
  14. If I went through all of the effort and paperwork to become licensed to legally own an automatic weapon, oh hell yes. I think you'll find people who fall into that category are in the minority of gun owners.
  15. Yeah because every gun owner in this country is a bloodthirsty right wing survivalist type!
  16. I'd say Larry Flint would be a front-runner, unless they were after the younger porn demographic then I'd have to go with Joseph R. Francis. Of course with the recent trend towards nostalgia they sure could do a nice Larry Flint- FDR tie in.
  17. If Hef ran as an Independent he'd totally have my vote. He may be an uber-liberal fat-cat and want me to live in an igloo made entirely from post consumer recycled products and ride two-up on a segway but damn is porn not the great unifier?
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