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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. I never really pictured you being a Gordon.
  2. No I'm debating with this one girl I know, she invited me to play a round and I said I didn't know you liked the herb. She claimed that disc golf wasn't just for pot smokers and my contention is that it's pretty much general knowledge that it's kind of a stoner sport.
  3. This poll is not getting the rate of response I was hoping for.
  4. Good thing you're part of the inner elite...
  5. How long does this poll need to remain open for it to accurately represent the beliefs/feelings of society as a whole?
  6. I'm no expert but I'd go with she not he.
  7. With an answer like this you should just go ahead and change your username to 'The Wuss'. Take a stand for @#$%'s sake.
  8. Cool Asian girls in Hello-Kitty wear.
  9. I will need drivers yes but before I can commit to letting you drive naked I'll need to see some pics.
  10. I'd prefer cash investors, but thanks anyway.
  11. I think the time may be near for my rickshaw company to launch. Anyone want in?
  12. Well, he has been pointing out the Ethanol, as it is being used today, could be argued is causing harm to our citizens, it is causing an increase in food costs, uses huge amounts of water in it's production, takes quite a bit of energy to produce and is relatively inefficient as far as btu content is concerned.
  13. I have underlings for that. Always keep your distance from the really dirty stuff, deniability and all that.
  14. I don't think you really feel that way.
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