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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. I didn't know Bruce was dead, I knew Mr. Glass was the bad guy and that it was a modern day hippy commune trying to live in the early 19th century.
  2. Me either for the most part, but isn't the whole "shocking plot twist" M.'s whole claim to fame?
  3. It took about 7 minutes to figure out the whole "shocking plot twist" that would be coming 90 minutes later.
  4. I'm glad you asked this question, I was confused too. Of course I suppose I should be overly sensitive and slightly paranoid and just assume they are after my guy.
  5. I'd totally marry a "cougar" if they legalized it.
  6. The nomination or the general election?
  7. Just a quick question for anyone who was a Hillary supporter and is now switching camps, is it because you
  8. FYI after the ban takes effect, check out my E-bay store for all you black market 100 watt bulb needs!
  9. But we banned those nasty incandescent bulbs!
  10. Word, ouija boards and King Diamond freak the hell out of me to this day.
  11. Vader would never play a Steinberger (aka late 80's Geddy Lee) bass. Mybe an old Rickenbacher but not a Steinberger.
  12. Cocky young whipper-snapper ain't you?
  13. You can go straight to hell dude.
  14. Does Bud Light still come in 12 -12oz cans or is it like 12-11.5oz cans?
  15. You're a cocky little sumbitch ain't you?
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