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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Compare whatever you want, hell compare Apollo 13 to Star Wars, they both take place in space.
  2. I understand the genre argument yes. But comparing say Mobsters to The Departed just because they both have gangsters in them doesn't make much sense to me.
  3. The only similarity between Goodfellas and the Godfather series is that they both have gangsters in them.
  4. Serpico, Dog Day Afternoon, The Godfather
  5. "How pimp is that" The 37 year old broad from Rock of Love II Get it right dude.
  6. I give DeNiro the edge now even though he's hasn't really had a role that grabbed me lately. Pacino hasn't been subtle in ten years.
  7. F-U Peckerwood. Edit: IMO, they were pretty equal until about 1997. Pacino lost my interest after Donnie Brasco and Carlito's Way and DeNiro hasn't really done it for me since Casino and Jackie Brown. They both seem to be caricatures of themselves now.
  8. On the lamb? What kind of sicko are you?
  9. Wonder Bread, peckerwood racists.
  10. The country that brought us Sailor Moon whacked 9 people last year, so much for an enlightened culture. pfft.
  11. While our justice system has it's flaws and I'm not a fan of the death penalty, I'll take it over any of the other countries on that list.
  12. Do they just shoot them and let them fall into a ditch or something?
  13. OK, How about this any way you slice it we're not even within 30% of #3 Saudi Arabia. Per capita or not. I'm not condoning our use of capital punishment, but it seems like alot of people think the US lines up and executes 4 or 5 prisoners at a crack.
  14. From the title of the thread I'd figure a death loving country like the USA would be at least within 30 to 40 percent (140 to 190 executions) of the #1 country for executions. Were not even in the game really. Color me disappointed.
  15. Yeah we don't even do 10% of what China does, where's your outrage for those poor souls?
  16. Watched this again, liked it better after a second viewing.
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