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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. When I was 15 I had a 45-year-old Australian Trigonometry teacher dude who would show up to school with terrible breath and a bad cardigan!
  2. It had its good parts, I just kept hoping for Alec Baldwin to drop in some back-story narratives.
  3. Some weird double-jointed guitar windmill things.
  4. I caught this last night, I teared up a little.
  5. New Dead Thread/ New Dead Thread/ Repeat
  6. Douche* I just wanted to be the first to throw that out.
  7. JUDE


    This I agree with. P.S. Slash > Nels Cline
  8. JUDE


    Not to start an Axl Rose/Ryan Adams/Jeff Tweedy/Van Gogh debate but Appetite for Destruction is a great fucking album. So I guess I care. Alot.
  9. Ok how about this, a guitar player goes to the Musicians Institute of Technology for a few years, he becomes extremely technically proficient. He can play any chromatic or pentatonic scale in any variation and is well versed in musical theory. Is he a better "artist" than say Keith Richards, or Tom Petty?
  10. Vincent Hanna: I'm angry. I'm very angry, Ralph. You know, you can ball my wife if she wants you to. You can lounge around here on her sofa, in her ex-husband's dead-tech, post-modernistic bullshit house if you want to. But you do not get to watch my fucking television set!
  11. Mr. 1420, huh, is 1420 the percentage of your 12,000+ posts spent being a douche?
  12. Quick recap: Tweedy - Genius, messiah Ryan Adams - Overrated, untalented JUDE - Douche bobbob - teenager, trust funder ction - ?! edit 8:09 AM
  13. For the record, I was the original 'douche' in this thread.
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