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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Consider yourself on my "to be tasered someday" list mister.
  2. and dogs, don't forget the dogs.
  3. actually I think he was Fight the Power!
  4. the kid who does the front flip/face plant on that dancing show gettin tasered
  5. I'd probably taser you right now if I had one. tasered ≠ ___________
  6. Werd! I was actually looking at civilian models on the web today. I don't know if $399 would be too much just to have some fun at my friends expense though.
  7. You forgot to mention that we are a relatively young country and we "need to get it out of our system". The Brit's had quite a few extra centuries (as compard to us) to get their violent tendencies worked out before they became so refined. I need that audio as a ring tone.
  8. I was actually tasered at a training seminar a couple of years ago. It's not that bad.
  9. Wrong Wrong Actually tasering falls under Ohm's law.
  10. Being "escorted out" and being violently oppressed by "the man" are two completely different things. dude.
  11. I actually heard that the police were Libertarians.
  12. I'll admit that when you posted pictures of your custom Dunks that was my inspiration to go design my own, which I love. I actually went through a phase last year where I was going to design/buy a quite a few new pairs but I was able to restrain myself. Edit: It was hard, and I fight the fight everyday.
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