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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. They're breakdance fighting in the Borat movie thread.
  2. Sorry Caliber, fascist. Won't be quite as funny when you are made to wear the pink triangle arm band.
  3. You are obviously a facist. Whats next, I'll need to have "travel documents" to visit my grandmother or need to provide ID when cashing checks or withdrawing money from the bank?
  4. Pics of M.Chris circa 1987 > Pics of ction circa 1987
  5. Not verbatim but, "If I go back to a Mexican Prison I know I'll be dead within a year, all I hope is that it comes in my sleep with no pain".
  6. I should probably start an all new thread for this but... FREE THE DOG!
  7. Dear Caliber, When did Tom Selleck become the spokesperson for Red Baron Pizza? Did I miss the memo? thanks, JUDE
  8. What, come on. If I'd know you were shuch a free spirit I'd have introduced you to a couple of nice clubs in Duluth.
  9. An acquaintance of mine took this stripper home from a local joint called the Camp Bar, a seedy hole in the wall strip club located near an Army Reserve base in Northern Minnesota. As far as strip clubs go this is essentially the "Elephant Grave Yard" of strip clubs, the place where all of the washed up strippers from the good clubs go to live out their years until they are put out to pasture. He took this nasty chick back to her place, as he was married and even though the wife was out of town didn't want to take the chance of being caught; the promise of some good weed/amphetamine was all th
  10. Did she have the cooter funk?
  11. Caliber, Hypothetically speaking of course; say a person is their car at a crosswalk waiting for some pedestrians to cross, the light is green for the person to advance, and some hoe-bag in a beat up old Ford Explorer lays on her horn displaying her displeasure at being held up. Is it wrong that this persons first impulse is to jump out of their car, walk back to the SUV and smash this person in the face multiple times until blood spurts from their nose like a scene from Kill Bill Part 1?
  12. Bizarre love triangle: JUDE linked to Neko Case and Jenny Lewis.
  13. Starting all these new threads is the E-quivalent to telling A-man to "go get your shine box".
  14. I really think religion is the problem.
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