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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. JUDE


    You know, your use of logic directly infringes upon my outrage entitlement. I'm calling the ACLU or the NAACP or something.
  2. I have a friends wedding on Saturday afternoon/evening and depending on the single chick to alcohol consumption ratio I may or may not break out the 'Footloose dance' and or 'the worm'. Sunday I will either be hungover or mow my lawn.
  3. Just working and looking for a heat element for my oven which took a big dump last night while I was trying to bake some stuff. Any big plans for the weekend?
  4. Don't encourage her, she needs to accept the fact that the show is over and life does indeed carry on.
  5. Don't you have some now defunct tv series you should be quoting from or something?
  6. JUDE


    It's pretty presumptuous of us to make this sort of judgment.
  7. I googled 'ass' + 'cucumber' but I can't post the resulting pics.
  8. I am now off to eat chicken enchiladas and tortilla soup until I am in a lethargic and semi-vegetative state.
  9. Just say the word and I'll be wearing one of these bad boys regardless of my disdain for the whole rubberband bracelet fad.
  10. Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe and Rescue Me are two of the best programs on TV.
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