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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. PRODUCT NAME: Wasp and Hornet Killer (Wasp Killer). PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Fast acting aerosol which comes out rapidly when released and will "freeze" bees and wasps on contact. Using a newer active then traditional formulations, this product is very fast acting and seems to be a bit stronger which can be relieving when dealing with a yellow jacket nest. TARGET PESTS: Bees, wasps and hornets. WHERE TO USE IT: Outside around the home in the yard and garden. Excellent to have by your side when going to treat a nest. RATE OF APPLICATION: If you hit the target directly, it will o
  2. You Sir are going places. Excellent work.
  3. Who are you again, it's a little soon for you to be using my familiar name, you can call me Mr. JUDE.
  4. I've probably requested better than a hundred pics on this board and the only person to ever oblige me was sean, not that there is anything wrong with that.
  5. Especially since every post I make is serious in every way.
  6. Home Page No Information Birthday No Information Location Sault Ste. Marie, On Interests No Information I'd say that's entrapment.
  7. I'd have to see pictures of you in this clothing in order to pass judgment on fit and finish. You can pm me if you are not comfortable posting (pics) in this thread.
  8. I think the question that begs to be asked is 'can people really afford a tar baby on minimum wage'?
  9. So, small stinging insects scare you but man eating fish do not?
  10. This is probably best suited for the now watching thread but last night I watched most of the original Tarzan movie from 1932 starring John Weissmuller, multi time gold medalist. I thought the movie fitting since my AC is shit and I was sitting in my sweltering house eating cheeto's in only my boxer shorts.
  11. A sharks liver weighs approx. 14 kilo's.
  12. Come on, everyone knows that karma dictates your position in life including your employment options, and everyone knows you can't change your karma.
  13. Careful, you don't want to arouse any pent up anger or teenage angst.
  14. JUDE


    'Jesus' should have figured out how to turn water into chemo instead of wine.
  15. JUDE


    Edit * My WITHIK cartoon bubble.
  16. JUDE


    Keep on trying man, keep on trying.
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