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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. JUDE


    Speaking of 'bible banging'.
  2. JUDE


    I'll have you know I am perfectly fine posting lame stuff under my own name. In fact I was just relating this very fact to Gary, Marc, Dan and Kraig at the Golden Smog after show party Sunday night.
  3. JUDE


    Nope, RC or sean. My delivery isn't that good.
  4. JUDE


    Earlier, with all of the cuddling talk I felt all was lost, now we are back to the boobie talk and I have regained faith in humanity once more.
  5. I'd go so far as to call them ginormous cans.
  6. JUDE


    The country is lucky to have you for the department of homeland security. Keep up the good work.
  7. Um, proof he's related to the caliber, it's called context dear.
  8. I'd ask what you use but I'm pretty sure that material was covered in There's Something About Mary.
  9. I'm not buying this, proof must be provided. I'll accept an extended-family portrait with Lance glancing at you longingly or a copy of your family tree.
  10. A distant second, if only because it comes in a recycled Plochman's mustard bottle. BICHES!!@!!@!
  11. JUDE

    Old 97's

    Jeeze, what's with the rage and teenage angst?
  12. JUDE


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