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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. The Shonuff/Last Dragon clips are amongst the best YouTube has to offer.
  2. Six Texas Rangers (Hi-Yo! Hi-Yo!) Rode in the sun (Hi-Yo! Hi-Yo!) Six men of justice Rode into an ambush With death for all but one One lone survivor (Hi-Yo! Hi-Yo!) Lay on the trail (Hi-Yo! Hi-Yo!) Found there by Tonto The brave Indian Tonto He lived to tell the tale Hi-Yo, Silver! Hi-Yo, Silver, away! Hi-Yo, Silver! Hi-Yo, Silver, away! His wounds quickly mended (Hi-Yo! Hi-Yo!) And then in the night (Hi-Yo! Hi-Yo!) Six graves were put there To hide from the outlaws That one man lived to fight He chose silver bullets (Hi-Yo! Hi-Yo!) The sign of his name (Hi
  3. I tried to come up with a witty scene containg the Gribbs quote and infants but I failed. Please, give it a shot.
  4. On the boats and on the planes They're coming to America Never looking back again They're coming to America Home, don't it seem so far away Oh, we're travelling light today In the eye of the storm In the eye of the storm Home, to a new and a shiny place Make our bed, and we'll say our grace Freedom's light burning warm Freedom's light burning warm Everywhere around the world They're coming to America Every time that flag's unfurled They're coming to America
  5. On the boats and on the planes They're coming to America Never looking back again They're coming to America Home, don't it seem so far away Oh, we're travelling light today In the eye of the storm In the eye of the storm Home, to a new and a shiny place Make our bed, and we'll say our grace Freedom's light burning warm Freedom's light burning warm Everywhere around the world They're coming to America Every time that flag's unfurled They're coming to America
  6. I'll have you know my old avatar is considered art by most people who know about such things.
  7. From To Change Date jmj001 JUDE 21st February 2006 - 03:28 PM
  8. Glenn has the best hair.
  9. If it weren't for your awesome avatar, I'd label you as a commie and report you the House Commission on Un-American activities.
  10. Are they hurtful and full of spite or well thought out and well articulated like all of our threads?
  11. So Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson are splitting up.
  12. If the sac-scan come back with bad results, I'll gladly buy one of those nut-cancer rubber band bracelets in a show of solidarity.
  13. So, I shouldn't enjoy Dennis Miller then?
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