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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. A friend, his wife and I consumed no less than 4.5 gallons of Long Island Ice Tea Friday afternoon/early evening. Saturday was a wash, I was completely useless.
  2. Happy Birthday!!!! My condolences that you share the same day of birth with, well, you know.
  3. What's the name of this Ryan Adams book everyone keeps mentioning? Also the best part of the Kot book is the part where Jeff gobbles up a bunch of pot brownies and hits on Jay's girlfriend, Jay is such a dickhead.
  4. I have no idea how you find this stuff, but the Shogun of Harlem may be the greatest clip ever.
  5. Careful gents, this line of conversation may lead to you being labeled as letches and perverts.
  6. Do you just want to bang on the drum all day?
  7. They should put Soloman Grundy in one of the Superman movies.
  8. Solomon Grundy, born on a Monday, Christened on a stark and stormy Tuesday, Married on a gray and grisly Wednesday, Took ill on a mild and mellow Thursday, Grew worse on a bright and breezy Friday, Died on a gay and glorious Saturday, Buried on a baking, blistering Sunday. That was the end of Solomon Grundy.
  9. I prefer to think of myself as the loveable scoundrel. Edit: I suppose when I reply to your posts I should always put in the * so you do not to take them so seriously.
  10. Why you always gots to be a killjoy?
  11. I'm really gonna need some photo's to verify these statements.
  12. I think just saying this would have sufficed.
  13. Maybe 'based' was the wrong term, maybe 'inspired by' would have been better. Still, I have a hard time imagining people looking through their local paper for a movie to see and see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - Dead Man's Chest and the saying to themselves, "Wow, I bet that will kick ass all over Dr. Zhivago"
  14. JUDE

    Top 5

    5. Spend his days in the park playing chess with a bust of Al Gore while humming show tunes. 4. Run down main street naked while rubbing feces on himself yelling
  15. I find it humorous for people to have these high expectations from a film based on a theme park ride.
  16. Superman never made any money For saving the world from Solomon Grundy
  17. Between all of the subversives in the John Lennon thread and now the absinthe abusers in here I've lost all faith in this board.
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