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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Lackey has a perfect game through 3.1. Yes, it's too early to mention it. Yes, I am trying to jinx him. NO HITTER NO HITTER edit: gave up a walk as I posted this
  2. Isn't he hitting .500 over his last 60 at bats or something crazy like that?
  3. One more bit of Big Hurt love...he's got a .950 SLG pct for the month of September.
  4. I'm filling out my change of address form for my registration and wanted to remind people that most places require that such forms are received at least 30 days before the election. That's not too far off.
  5. A lot of those used CD sellers on Amazon ARE regular ol' stores. Anyway, let's say they got a discount from USPS and got envelopes for .$25. It's still hard to imagine that it would be worth the labor and cost of merchandise (they are selling a CD after all) to make $.50 or less on the deal.
  6. I never figured out how sellers afforded to sell things for .99 + shipping, as I believe Amazon charges a minimum $2.99 comission. It costs $1.11 or thereabouts to ship a CD first class (cheaper than media mail) plus about $.50 for a padded envelope, purchased in bulk. Which leaves them .10 in the whole or so. Must be liquidating inventory.
  7. Style points, my friend. Keep in mind that most Bears fans are figuring out how Rex Grossman is going to play.
  8. Not sure this needs its own thread, but I am pretty happy.
  9. I figured that was the case. I was just giving you shit.
  10. Is that vinyl siding behind you? Are you posting from the back yard?
  11. http://www.apcstart.com/site/dwarne/2006/0...rld-of-warcraft Will Crowjack attend the funeral or be amongst the raiders?
  12. The MVP is a single short of the cycle. He probably won't get it.
  13. No Cub pitcher has thrown a complete game this year. No major league team has ever gone a full season without one.
  14. They were wearing green. Thome had some spanking green socks. Half-way to St. Patrick's Day promotion. Even though it isn't, or usually isn't when they have it. That first picture was actually not from tonight, it's just a classic AJ walk-off.
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060909/ap_on_...mhuBHNlYwNtdHM- You bring up a good point. Many people said that Saddam and Bin Laden hated each other during the lead-up to the war. In this sense, the administration is right, this is nothing new. However, it doesn't need to be new to be right, and they clearly still insist on repeating their old, wrong information. He's still peddling this stuff. He seems to have a kinship with the 9/11 conspiracy theorists in that they believe if you repeat something enough, some (enough) people will believe it.
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