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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I saw some lady in a CRV back into a Pontiac in our apartment parking lot. It left a big dent. She drove off. I totally left a note.
  2. I just tore into some guy on a White Sox board who was whining about Torre putting in Proctor instead of Rivera (Rivera had pitched in the afternoon game).
  3. Is it true that Glenn carried Ken Coomer around in his gullet for a while?
  4. Since the all-star game Mackowiak: .276 AVE, .323 OBP, .397 SLG Anderson: .298 AVE, .339 OBP, .452 SLG Anderson got hit on the elbow with a pitch and it looked bad, but he stayed in the game. They really need his defense, given how spotty their pitching has been.
  5. I'm not sure. He said before the game that Young had done his time and people should leave it in the past. That sort of thing. It's possible it was Freddy's thing.
  6. What's the over-under on weight gain for Mr. Kinsley while he's playing Mr. Mom? I speak from experience.
  7. I am so tired.....I have yet to find the formula for waking up everyday feeling refreshed. I feel good one day, and like ass the next...... have a good day everyone! *edit - Reni
  8. Delmon Young was hit by the first major league pitch he faced.
  9. It has been discussed amongst this household and has been agreed upon that this picture is awesome.
  10. No weapons were found, but the 2007 red Cadillac Escalade he was riding in contained more than $50,000 in cash, cell phones, laptop computers and wigs, authorities said.
  11. I'm not sure what you're asking. The main thing is to talk it through with her if you think it's an ongoing issue. Tell her you want to talk about it and wait if she's not ready. There's not really a formula for sorting through life's problems.
  12. I'm sure your kidding, but that's the stupidest definition of love I've ever heard.
  13. Ain't no one on here going to have any kind of good advice for you. It sounds like you feel guilty and somehow blame your girlfriend for it.
  14. Yes, exactly. http://www.sptimes.com/2006/05/06/Tampabay...early_re.shtml/
  15. After having read it recycled a few times, I could stand to never see nor hear of it again.
  16. My friend had a print shirt like that with a poker vest on it. He loved the hell out of it. Unfortunately, it was way too small for his considerable gut. Being that I was his friend and didn't want him to wear a too-tight shirt to high school, I diplomatically insisted that his shirt wanted to kill him. Also, Paul Shaffer has always had great arms.
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