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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. That makes me want to vote for HRC.
  2. I'm not sure why the conservative independent who is voting for Obama (!) is being harassed about people who may share similar views to him, but aren't him. Can you name 5 Republicans who are good at hopscotch?
  3. What are we even talking about at this point?
  4. Did any democratic pundits actually say that the tears showed weakness? That seems like something that a Republican would say I've yet to watch the video, but the NYT account made it seem genuine and human.
  5. Probably a good thing, in a general sense, that the Dem candidate (and likely eventual winner) isn't decided after 2 states. Now it's wide open, with Obama leading in SC and Clinton leading most everywhere else. Republican race is even more wide open--might have three candidates win states that they're not from. When's the last time that that happened?
  6. Um, what did Florida 2000 prove? I thought all those polls showed a close race. It was the exit polls that were flawed.
  7. It seems statistically unlikely that there would be a big swing towards Obama at this point.
  8. Her lead is shrinking a bit. It was at 2000 votes. Now it's below 1900. The exit poll showed Obama ahead by one percent, but that doesn't mean much--just means it will be close. Edit: Now it's over 2000. Gulp...
  9. Clinton winning with 13% of precincts reporting. Interesting. I thought Obama would win by double digits.
  10. Huge turnout in NH. Some towns are worried about running out of (mostly democratic) ballots: http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/20...ampshire-t.html From whence does this energized populace come and what does it mean in the long term?
  11. What's the threshold to be on future ballots?
  12. Sounds like you've found a great way to spend your time.
  13. Andrew Sullivan made a pretty good case for Obama here: http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200712/obama Many points I disagree with, but I think he hits the nail on the head here:
  14. I'm sure DBoon intended it as a joke. I think he's an Obama supporter.
  15. It's not like there's a lot of competition to recruit Texas high school players. I mean...
  16. I thought something similar when I read the NYT account of the incident.
  17. There was an indication that someone is taking care of the opposum. I think that was on the other board?
  18. If you are still wondering if this is real, all signs indicate that it is.
  19. I wonder if they went to high school incorrectly. They did it all wrong!
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