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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Diamondbacks were something like number 8 in salary that year. That's not low. You're either intentionally or unintentionally obscuring the issue. It's not a matter of a high salary MAKING a player play better. The better players that are no longer arbitration eligible (read: established veterans) COMMAND higher salaries. This means they migrate to (or stay with) the higher paid teams. Higher salary does not guarantee victory or anything like that. It is a contributing factor. Obviously all the money in the world won't help if ownership and the front office are inept (Orioles). The best case s
  2. It was all glossy and reflective. Glistening.
  3. Well, yeah, the dancing munchkin. Why does Ashanti's hand have makeup all over it?!
  4. I don't think he should be in bed. It's the world series. That's not the issue.
  5. What an annoying kid. Don't encourage him.
  6. What I want to know is this... ...were any of those used during montage sequences in Ernest Goes to ____ movies?
  7. A more accurate comparison might be education--that's a positive right that our country, on some level, believes in.
  8. Anyone else seen this? I was thinking about it recently. One of my favorite big-budget blockbuster/monster movies.
  9. I think I could take him in a 50 yard dash.
  10. I'm not sure how you drew that conlcusion. Taken at face value, that piece was tracking an upward trend in Canadian wait times between seeing a general practicioner and a specialist for non-emergency procedures (that very last part might be off, but I'm not going back to check this minute). There's no comparison in that piece to American wait times--which very well might already be higher or increasing at a faster rate. Such data is somewhat hard to come by because there's no U.S. government agency tracking wait times. Here's an article on one study: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/conte.
  11. That doesn't make any sense. If anyone could be dubbed African-America, it would be Obama, as his father was Kenyan.
  12. Huh. There's a lot of overlap with that and Greatest Hits 1980-1990 B-sides.
  13. Leaked memos suggest that the RIAA has been tracking Oink users for a while. Um, not really. It was run on donations, right? No one had to donate. Why? Your IP address is available for anyone to see on bittorrent sites.
  14. How long till "Dumbledore is gay" becomes a ratty punk song? I'm guessing it might have happened already.
  15. Well, I don't think the song writing on that album is any good. And all the rest of the trimmings aren't enough to keep my interest. I'm not sure why I should be expected to bow to the consensus opinion in that case.
  16. Ah, but what and whose war? It's not just about Ireland. Seconds seems like it's largely about America. The Refugee also. How about Red Light as a cheesy love song? The Unforgettable Fire--love song. I'm sure there were a lot of handlers, etc. during the Joshua Tree era. I'm not sure which came first-- huge success or the handlers. With or Without You is a great song--one of my favorites of theirs. It'd be a shame if it weren't a single.
  17. That's a good question, but the underlined portion certainly merited a response.
  18. Their first love song was on Joshua Tree? It certainly wasn't their first album that showed a deep fascination with America.
  19. This reminds me. Once upon a time I was a teenage lad driving around with my friends. We were in my cousin's beat-up Ford Escort wagon. We were turning left onto my street and next to the turn lane there was some guy by himself in a Camaro. I shouted to him "Manowar sucks ass!" (a running gag with my friends--at least one of whom liked them. To this day I have no idea if they are any good or not--just that their name makes it seem like they suck pretty bad). Camaro guy said "what's that, tough guy?" My immediate thought was "Hmm, there's a rather sharp pocket knife in my pocket, but I certainl
  20. Apparently enough to travel to a place you purportedly hate.
  21. It may independent in terms of funding, but it's libertarian in terms of philosophy.
  22. Can the bigotry. There's no reason for this thread to have that tone.
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