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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I had the same reaction. Genre's a bit played out at the moment, eh? Well, I think the geeky boys grow up to make movie caricatures of themselves.
  2. That was the other thing I was going to say...coke is a better heeled drug. That doesn't make it less hard/dangerous/whatever. I wasn't suggesting that people were trying to mitigate how they are seen by others--rather that they were ordering drugs as a reflection of how they ordered themselves amongst the strata of drug users. Well, when I say "none of the above" I mean none of the ones mentioned in the post I originally quoted.
  3. As someone who's done none of the above, I agree. I kinda suspect that those arguing otherwise are trying to jive their view of themselves (and how they seem themselves in relation to other people) with their actual drug history. Note: This is a not a comment on any specific posters as I have only vaguely paid attention to who's arguing for what. It's more or less a guess.
  4. Looks like this effort has massive bipartisan support.
  5. Kenny confirmed that this trade is pretty much only about getting a look at Richar this year and that there was no market for Gooch before Utley went down.
  6. Thome's pretty much right at his career average OPS this year. He's still extremely productive--just doesn't have the homerun numbers.
  7. Tadahito Iguchi traded for a single-A righty reliever from the Phils. Uh...I know they want to get Richar in the lineup and all (at least I hope that's what they're thinking), but a single A reliever is the best they can get for a bona fide starting second baseman?
  8. http://youtube.com/watch?v=QY2Hp6KhGf4 Here's R. Kelly's most famous song. You've probably heard it in grocery stores, gas stations, and commercials. It definitely isn't rap.
  9. FWIW, R. Kelly is an R&B singer, not so much of a rapper. It's hard to blame his problems on music.
  10. My mom does one of those through her church. She seems to like it. There seems to be a fair amount of stuff that she doesn't know what to do with (initially), though. On the other hand that can be an opportunity to expand your family's cooking repetoire.
  11. I guessed it was a story like that. R. Kelly lives in Chicago so far as I know. An Atlanta-based (I think that's what you said) sidekick seems unlikely. Furthermore there is no entry on allmusic.com for J Rob nor is there anything on Amazon.com. Really, I don't think R. Kelly is anywhere in the picture.
  12. It's similar to a multi-level marketing scheme. My uncle bought in a few years ago and still religiously (keep an eye on the religious angle) attends the meetings, but hasn't sold anything. I think he's unwilling to impose on his friends and family, which is what making money in that sort of system requires you to do. Check out ripoffreport.com for a pretty feisty back and forth about them. As I understand it, they're trained as "financial planners," but the only financial advice they give involves purchasing a citigroup product. Not necessarily the financial advice than anyone needs. It is
  13. Did you (or someone you know) meet someone named Jay-Rob who claimed to be R. Kelly's sidekick? Based on my preliminary googling I would say no dice. Not that being an R. Kelly sidekick is something to aspire to.
  14. Is F a common middle initial for Jesus? Really? It seems that would be secondary to H.
  15. Right. The feedback goes both ways. The Cubs and the Braves both have nationwide coverage on WGN and TBS and that's one of the reasons they're so popular.
  16. So it looks as if there are other popular teams that consistently contend--namely the Cardinals and Braves. Hmmmm.....
  17. Boston is definitely one of the top teams this year. Not so much last year. Also, the Yankees aren't so much at this point. Their success and failure seems to net equal coverage.
  18. Right, I've turned off ESPN almost completely. Its replacement isn't the local sports channel for me, but the information and highlights available on the internet. The NBA coverage doesn't bother me as much because usually the teams they're devoting most of the coverage to are the best teams. It's not as if they had non-stop Bulls coverage in the early aughts.
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