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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Buehrle hasn't signed nothin' last I heard. Still a hangup over a No Trade Clause. If he's giving a hometown discount (years and salary) he should get one, as far as I can tell. The White Sox are worried about setting precedent. As Steve Stone said, they can establish a precedent where any other 28 year-old southpaw who has 6 straight seasons of going over 200 innings and is 32 games over .500 can get a NTC.
  2. Put forth a sacrificial lamb and then make sure he doesn't have much of a meaningful punishment. Good stuff.
  3. Naw, it's just the same DNS crap I think. I found out that with all the Oink torrents "dead", my router can now handle torrents again. Ha. Which reminds me--does anyone have a myspleen invite? I was a member in good standing there and I think I got dinged for inactivity.
  4. Another one from the "makes you go hmmm" department: Frank Thomas' strike-shortened season BA .353 OBP .487 SLG .729 (pretty much he averaged around 3.5 bases per game for the entire season) OPS 1.216 2B 34 HR 38 R 106 RBI 101 BB 109 Looking at the single season OPS leaders of all time, I see that Bagwell had a very similar season that year. Of course their similarities have been thoroughly discussed.
  5. I see you are watching the same stuff on TV tonight as we are.
  6. Matt Stairs has a higher career OPS than Jermaine Dye despite being older and having played more seasons. Who knew?
  7. I guess they reported on PTI that the Buehrle deal is done. The numbers being floated are 4 years at 50 million with an option for a fifth year. That is very far under market rate. Hard to believe.
  8. Don't know if he's wearing a wig, but it looks like he's had some work done.
  9. I could have my opinion influenced by Ann Coulter or Osama Bin Laden--it wouldn't make the opinion right or wrong. You're conducting the kissing cousin of an ad hominem attack. I do agree that, had the FD never been ditched, Limbaugh would not have made as much money. Why? Because stations would have to carry liberal shows which don't do big ratings if they wanted to carry his. That would dilute his effectiveness for the stations. If the MLB made a rule that whatever team had Alex Rodriguez had to start a stiff at second base for every game, Rodriguez wouldn't command as high of a salary.
  10. It's a lame question. Where did you get your opinion on the matter? The where is irrelevant. It's the why that matters. Our media is so silly these days, but I don't think that laws can change much of that.
  11. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/baseball/wh...-mark27.article An interesting twist.
  12. Also http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/sfgate...;entry_id=17852
  13. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Michael Moore was responsible for Bush getting re-elected. The most votes in history is a statement with very little meaning. The country's population is always growing, right? High population + hotly contested election + no significant third party candidate=a lotta votes for the winner.
  14. Is he going to play center or what? I also read that there was some holdup regarding how much money the Cubs were sending. Not sure if that's been resolved.
  15. There were about five different reasons floated for the demise of that release.
  16. Yeah, I think they met at a Tweedy/Wilco show IIRC.
  17. Apparently Sherman promised to "make Georgia howl" and then didn't really follow through. That might have something to do with the perception.
  18. I don't think it's true. It seems to be contradicted by most of the information out there. I guess we'll find out.
  19. I thought youze guys were the first. Who's the first?
  20. You know, there was a popular book and this sort of thing--Confederates In the Attic. One of the nuggets contained therein is that Sherman's march through Georgia was pretty tame and that many of the private residences supposedly burned are still standing. He was apparently regarded reasonably well in the south 110 years ago and the tale has changed in the telling.
  21. Having someone that good at a wedding is a bad idea. You'll barely get to talk to all your favorite people as it is. You don't need a musician that you actually want to pay attention to. It'd be a distraction.
  22. Lord Humongous was proposed as the replacement for Chief Illiniwek.
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