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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I'm not sure if young girls are imitating Paris so much as they're imitating the thrice-spit backwash of our celebrity and appearance-obsessed society. If it wasn't her it'd be someone else, I'm afraid. She's sort of a conduit. Sarah Silverman carries around one of those stupid dogs, I hear.
  2. No, A-rod is right there in the post. Actually the Yankees were already leading by one at that point (so it was game-sealing rather than game-winning), but I still wanted Jenks in.
  3. A perfect opportunity for unconventional closer use. Top of the ninth, two outs, bases loaded, A-Rod up. The White Sox board is clamoring for Jenks. Ozzie brings in an AAA call-up. Grand slam. 8-3 yanks.
  4. You were supposed to play along.
  5. SS + 3B combined are generally more rangy than 2B and 1B combined. Plus, you put the SS in shallow left (similar to how extreme shifts put 2B in shallow right field) and you've just made him almost completely useless. He's not going to throw anyone out from there.
  6. Fields also joins Jim Edmonds and Chris Widger in the "Major leaguers who look like they wear eyeliner" club. He probably can't bunt for shit--and he's to proud to look like a goof.
  7. Actually, he steals bases too. 28 SB, only 5 CS last year. I'm not sure why he's not as speedy this year.
  8. Josh Fields officially up. That OBP looks pretty tasty.
  9. I believe it very well may have had its own thread at one pint. Typo accidental, but I'll keep it.
  10. Sandy Alomar: future White Sox coach. Pick him up in your bench coach fantasy leagues.
  11. Joe Crede with more back problems. Could end up on the DL. If he does, look for Josh Fields to come up--someone might want to take a gamble on him. He struggled in April, but has torn it up since then: http://web.minorleaguebaseball.com/milb/st...&pid=435222 Also, Fields is out of the lineup for Charlotte tonight so he may be on his way up.
  12. What does music have to do with trust?
  13. http://www.familychristian.com/shop/product.asp?ProdID=17137 How's this for branding? A Jesus moneyclip. The eye of a needle, etc.
  14. I was very tempted to edit your post to say this.
  15. But, but, the VW press release says that this is Wilco's first-ever licensing deal or something like that.
  16. Thanks for another racist, hate-filled post.
  17. Really good. One of the few albums I can think of that I did not like initially, but grew to really like.
  18. Yeah, how dare ninth graders enjoy and try to emulate art.
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