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Everything posted by lizish

  1. wow same wow about being paid the same amount for a concert as 16 years ago.
  2. over the years, isn't there a really good collection of official released covers anyway. Ie strangers, sugar baby, Love and Mercy, the whole of Mermaid Avenue(s), Henry and the H-bombs etc.
  3. yeah - I too have these same hopes. Need a Hill/Since/D+D type of thing.
  4. Still songs of man It looks like one duplex kitchen is getting 2 albums made for it this Spring: Songs of Man and then Fucked Up's David Comes To Life
  5. I don't know why I was so slow in picking this up. It's really wonderful 'Oh that damn merlot' Kalle - you'll really enjoy the new $100.
  6. Yeah - can't wait to see him! Got a Sharon Jones show in a couple weeks so that will have to do for now.
  7. Hmm. - there's some reverb attached to Simone's voice that I could do without. - Songs are pretty good - but it always takes me a while to understand and like them - They left off the song Positive Hex, which is a real shame. Hope it shows up somewhere. - There's a really sad song about Simone's employer Aaron - a continuation of 'Not for me' from the EP. - There's also a airy feeling to the production - everything seems to have a tape hiss and amp hum, not a lot of low end - Feels like nothing was multi-tracked and it was recorded live in the studio - which makes sense because the
  8. yes - finally Teresa sets the standard Long legs clothed in shear black hose She can charge three hundred higher and her business never slows In our arms she bluffs the lovin' of our wives left out of sight 'Cus us working men need workin' girls to work us through the night There's a voice on the line I keep putting on hold She says my spitting images is spitting up, He's getting on, he's getting old And a voice in my heard tellin' me I should fold But the ring around my finger is made of black gold.
  9. ^ cool Jennifer Castle - Castlemusic
  10. yeah agree. I certainly love that it contains artists like Dan Mangan, Basia Bulat and One Hundred Dollars, which will be fantastic to see, but there is nobody on the list that's a big tent draw - like a Tweedy or an M. Ward. I think the Folkies have accepted that things will never be the same again.
  11. Letter in Icelandic from the Ninette Sam Weakerthans You’ll recall from the saga of Grenter’s last stand at Grengie How his grip on the sword made his enemies cut off his hand If he fled here instead and then tasted this terrible coffee Had to read all these letters you send, he would lay the blade down And it’s Halloween Skinny Ghosts dressed like Cowboys in rest At the railing by my door On their way from the Children’s Ward Bev Munroe and his Panama Valley boys play at the party And I practice my English on nurses. ‘Oh that’s a nice ma
  12. Hillside just got announced today. Good, but underwhelming when compared to fucking Winnipeg. I hate Winnipeg. http://www.hillsidefestival.ca/#/performers
  13. I love Bbop http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/18774-spot-the-bbop/page__hl__%2Bgame+%2Bbbop
  14. don't know if you know it, but Romano and Steve Lambke (Baby Eagle, the Constantines) have their own record label to release all this stuff. ie the above is YC-10 as in the tenth release from You've Changed records. I don't have all of it, but the last Baby Eagle and the first Daniel (romano), Fred (squire) and Julie (doiron) albums are outstanding and in that same old country/folk tradition. http://youvechangedrecords.com/ What's nice is that the Vinyl versions of all of these have that hefty and plain feel to them, like you're picking up a George Jones record from 1967. Everything i
  15. just the RSD single of Iso Residue and Only In My Double Mind, but cripes this is good.
  16. wow, for a one off joke, this is great: from the Fucked up Blog:
  17. wow, this is really boring. I had way too much hope.
  18. that sounds really good. Dammnit. Had him by for a concert with the OX guys last Christmas and he brought out Misha Bower. sat in awe.
  19. Agreed - it is wonderful. he was in town last night and I unfortunately missed it.
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