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Derek Phillips

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Everything posted by Derek Phillips

  1. If any of you angels on MySpace would add one of these songs to your page to help us get the word out, I'd love you forever. Sure, it's not as high caliber as Daniel love, but it's a start.
  2. We've posted another song from the new album. "Here's to Us" kicks off Riviera's second album, Capital. Add the song to your MySpace page and help us get the word out. Capital is due on Glorious Noise Records in October, 2006. http://www.myspace.com/rivierasound See us live and acoustic on Aug. 18 at the Kinetic Playground in Chicago.
  3. Yes, someone here alerted me to that fact and I fixed it.
  4. Hey guys, we have video of the Chicago show posted. Two songs from the acoustic early set: "The Catfish Man" and "Walt Whitman Bridge" are up now.
  5. I don't know how you can not see an inheritence as "income." What else is it? It's money in-coming to your household. Whether it's earned or inherited is irrelevant to me, it's money coming in and should, therefore, be taxed like all other income. As for an aristocracy and the fact that all societies have them being some sort of argument in defense, that's silly and not much of an argument. All societies have lots of social and economical quirks, some good and some bad. What does that have to do with the fact that a concentration of unearned wealth leads to lower productivity and innovation.
  6. People always bring up this notion that minimum wage hikes will lead to layoffs, but it's horseshit. The last hike, over ten years ago, preceded the largest economic expansion in decades. Businesses don't hire labor out of kidness, they do it because they have a need. That need doesn't diminish because they have to pay more for it. If it did, then it was an inefficient operation in the first place. As for the cost being passed to the consumer, someone already addressed the fact that competition (usually a favorite of free marketeers) cuts that out pretty damned quick. As for the Death Tax
  7. Riviera is playing an acoustic set at the Kinetic Playground in Chicago on August 18. We've spent the last two months wrapping the album and this is likely the only show before our CD release in October. Hope to see you there. More INFO Commence obligatory flaming...
  8. YES! Laughed right out loud when I read this. Nice call.
  9. If we're talking about context, go back and read Biden's full quote. He was bragging about the influx of Indian Americans and the support he enjoys from them. Sure, it was a bad soundbite but since you mentioned context...
  10. The big stink is funny, but I have to admit I am amazed people didn't know this was a racial slur. I knew it as a kid. It's August of a mid-term year, kids. This is when the fun really starts. You can expect something like this every fucking week.
  11. As both a sender and receiver of media kits, I would say not to bother with anything beyond a CD and a one-sheet. If they want photos, have hi-res downloadables on your website. Seriously, save the paper and the postage. A better bet is to go electronic. Have a website and a MySpace page. Exploit the fuck out of them. Look into an account on Sonicbids. That's a nice tool for booking and submitting to festivals. Start off focusing on your town and state first. Build a nice homebase and then get out as often as you can. Good luck.
  12. Andrew Sullivan, a Conservative, is having this debate on his blog. One reader posted this bit of info that I think points this whole idea of funding into practical matters:
  13. Still looking for a legitimate link to the actual bill Bush vetoed, but here's some interesting related info: ARTICLE As for adult stem cell research, that continues. Many scientists in the field though think embryonic (or pre-embryonic, as the case may be) stem cell research has the most promise because those cells can become any cell-type in the body. That's why there's a focus on this type. They see it as the fastest route to possible cures. That's not to say adult stem cell research isn't also going on. I don't know whay the adult research bill failed though. Most likely, there's
  14. I'm not an admin--hell, I haven't even been around lately--but can we take this off personal attacks or comments? I am all for debating legislation and politics, but a bulletin board doesn't seem like the place for us to debate personal family choices. El Kev has beautiful twins and God bless 'em both.
  15. I never really liked you guys anyway, so good riddance.
  16. Thanks for that. I'm done here as it seems I have personally offended El Kevin, whom I love deply.
  17. You mean like a chilled out enetertainer?
  18. No, but that has almost nothing to do with this legislation. Is it wrong for me to like cheese on my burger?
  19. Ah, but let's be clear. These are not even embryos, but cell clusters that may or may not one day become embryos that may or may not become fetus that may or may not become born human beings. This is the problem with Bush's rhetoric. Besides, the cells pertaining to this legislation are left over and slated for destruction as medical waste. These are cells that are not being adopted and the parents do not want them.
  20. Unless of course you have an argument against that position. We're all ears (or eyes, I should say).
  21. You can't force the willing. This research has wide support across the country. This is acting against the will of the people.
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