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Everything posted by oatmealblizzard

  1. Since this is turning into a "rank Ryan's releases" thread...here's mine: 1) Heartbreaker 2) Stranger's Almanac 3) Faithless St 4) Pneumonia 5) JCN 6) Gold
  2. I really, really like Jacksonville City Nights. Cold Roses was pretty good, I guess. Never have listened to 29 all the way through...but what I've heard hasn't impressed me too much.
  3. Ahhh. The American Dream. Dusty is/was a bad man. "I have wined and dined with kings and queens, and I've slept in alleys and dined on pork and beans." - Dusty Rhodes
  4. A fine album. I haven't listened to it in a while...so thanks for reminding me of its existence. Excellent stuff.
  5. This post is a bit long, but I found these entertaining. Sorry if they are posted elsewhere. But Friday Stereogum posted a message supposedly posted by Ryan Adams on a message board that said the following: ALBUM NEWS- three new albums again this year (i hope) Author: whatever its Ryan 7/13/06 5:15:31 AM First record is getting mixed and mastered while we are on the road. Its the first of three. Its solo. Its called "Blackhole". Johnny on drums, me on everythinbg else. lots of raw guitar and kinda sexy/ damaged tunes. My favorite easily. Second record. I am in the studio as we speak finishin
  6. In brief, it is a great album and definitely worth checking out.
  7. Thanks for this, Ro. This is all great stuff. I remember reading a couple of these way back when, but I am really enjoying them all on this rather slow Saturday night. NP: Disc One
  8. Damn I love that album. By the way, just listened to this as well: But now for something completely different:
  9. Yeah, Cut Chemist is definitely missed. And I can't say I'm a huge fan of the Dave Matthews Band being featured on a track. BUT... I'm still really enjoying this album.
  10. Just listened to this and it is really fantastic. May end up as one of my favorites of the year.
  11. This sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out. NP:
  12. I will guess Reservations.
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