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Everything posted by oatmealblizzard

  1. Watched Miami Vice (the director's cut) on DVD last night, and was reminded why I would argue it is one of the 4 or 5 best films of the year. Honestly. A beautifully shot, well written, taught, pulpy, and emotional crime drama. A really, really great flick from one of my favorite directors. And I think this version even improves on the theatrical release with a few minor additions/subtractions. I also watched it with the director's commentary, which...if you like the film...is quite fascinating.
  2. My favorite film of the year, probably. With Pan's Labyrinth a very close second.
  3. Nice. Particularly Nothin' No and Murder in Michigan.
  4. Its cool if she wants to stick to football, though.
  5. Why David Beckham is Bad for American Soccer
  6. Yeah...I saw this a few days ago. Really, really great film. Saw this and Children of Men both within about a three day span...and they are two of the best films I have seen in a LOOOONG time. I highly recommend it as well. Nice. How was it? I really would like to see this, too.
  7. I won $240 at the Casino Queen last time I was in St. Louis.
  8. So...thought I'd post my list, too. It can be found here.
  9. The Faces box set may very well be the greatest box set in the history of box sets.
  10. Very sad news. As mentioned above, he truly was one of the greats. He will be missed.
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