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Everything posted by oatmealblizzard

  1. I really like "Headed for a Fall", too.
  2. Yeah...that Ox album is really good. Has it even been officially released in the U.S., though? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.
  3. Tracklist? I'm really liking this a lot. I've listened to it like three times this evening while trying to finish up some work here on the comp. NP:
  4. There's a pretty good version of atomic power posted here on pitchfork today featuring Jeff and Charlie. Maybe this was posted somewhere on the board already...but if it was, I missed it. Anyway, Louvin's new album sounds like it could pretty good. I've heard the version of Knoxville Girl with Will Oldham...and its pretty darn great.
  5. As mentioned above, the new Andrew Bird is fantastic. I'm in total agreement. Thanks for the tip, solace.
  6. I have heard so many good things about this entire series...I really need to check a couple of these out. Anyone recommend any particular volumes?
  7. Children of Men is out on DVD there? Huh. Yeah....good one.
  8. Yes. I was there. I remember clearly him saying just that ... but apparently Jon and I have different definitions of "soon". Oh well. I would definitely hit this show up if I were in Chicago, though.
  9. All I have to say is that I LOVE watching the Suns. They are a fun, fun team. And they are kicking some serious ass lately. Bill Simmons had a great article on Page 2 last week that was kind of about them. Check it out.
  10. Excellent list! This is another I've really been meaning to check out. In fact, I think its next up in my queue! Nice. The Proposition just missed my top 10.
  11. That looks pretty cool. I'll have to check that out. NP: Lonesome, On'ry, and Mean
  12. At least someone agrees with me on this. If anyone cares, I posted my 10 favorite movies of the year here.
  13. Been listening to this off and on all evening: Really amazing stuff. But, currently, this is playing:
  14. I agree, Pan was quite wonderful. I never quite got into any of the Lord of the Rings films, as I found them all a bit overwrought. Pan's Labyrinth, though, was just plain stunning. I think only Children of Men was a better film last year. But I really do need to see Letters from Iwo Jima.
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