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Everything posted by oatmealblizzard

  1. Damn. I tried to get tickets to this, but it was sold out. And the prices scalpers were charging were completely ludicrous.
  2. Calexico was excellent. Always enjoy seeing them.
  3. Watched this last night. It was pretty good, I guess...but nothing spectacular. Not nearly as good as any of their albums. I most certainly plan to check this out this weekend: Its garnering some excellent reviews.
  4. Yay! Happy Birthday. Have a good one.
  5. Excellent stuff. Thanks for this. NP: Bawlers disc. So good.
  6. I love this album. Its in my all time top 10.
  7. Thanks for everything, Narz. You'll be missed around these parts.
  8. Hey all. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Much appreciated!
  9. ^^ That sounds interesting. Haven't heard about it until now. How is it?? Really nice album. Really, really nice album. NP: Centro-matic - All the Falsest Hearts Will Try
  10. Awww yeah. Gonna watch some MNF now, though.
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