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Everything posted by oatmealblizzard

  1. She has completely lost her damn mind. Someone sent me this link...but apparently she went to K-Fed's home last night but when she wasn't allowed to see her kids she started beating the shit out of a photographer's car outside with an umbrella. Then her mom reportedly picked her up and took her back to the rehab facility. Look at those pics!! Holy crap. There is video here, by the way.
  2. Yeah... that's crazy about DJ. Very, very said. RIP, Dennis.
  3. Very cool. I will be hitting up some portion of this, for sure.
  4. I haven't read Pitchfork in months, and that review is a just another reason why. I really do enjoy this album. Probably not as much as Car Wheels, WWT, and some of her others; but I still really like it. I agree much more with this allmusic review ( 4 1/2 stars out of 5) than I do the pitchfork one: Allmusic Review or the longer version: Allmusic Feature So far, its one of my favorite albums of the young year. Certainly not #1, but up there. In other news, I haven't been able to get into the new Arcade Fire album yet. So, to each his own, I suppose.
  5. And at this point, she has officially lost her mind.
  6. Old Paint is great. A little sparser in arrangement than End Time, but just as good in my opinion. You pretty much can't go wrong with any of their albums. On a different tip, NP: The Roots - Game Theory
  7. Mind of Mencia is the biggest turd of a show I've ever seen. And I, too, didn't realize Joe Rogan was a comedian. Huh. But this clip was pretty great.
  8. Was listening to that all afternoon. So good.
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