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Everything posted by Hodie

  1. It's beautiful, thank you so much for that. I think self-policing will work just fine -- we have a lot of vigilant people here . But I'm not so much wondering about spotting them, that will be easy, it's what we do with them after spotting them (in addition to the whole boiling in oil thing). I'm assuming we have a way around the "I'll just change my user name and come back this afternoon" method? Hmmmm, just had a random thought -- what if we require people to put the cost of the ticket in the post? That would cut down on people looking innocent on the board and then scalping in PM
  2. I didn't used to think a ticket forum would be necessary, but now I do -- all the hysterical screeching about tickets is distracting me and my dog from On Fillmore's chirps and horns. What will we do when the scalpers arrive, though? They will.
  3. For anyone who hasn't seen the post in the Reflecting forum -- it's been reseeded by bldad: http://www.viachicago.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8066
  4. My nails are now completely gnawed off. Well, metaphorically speaking, but still. Thanks for letting getting it to them!
  5. Hodie


    Wow, that page is going to make me go way too analytical. How amazingly fun! This site is turning out beautifully, thanks so much.
  6. Thanks, Donna. I'm just really glad people are so kind around here. And Bridget, your track WAS magnificent! I love the ideas I came up with for mine (I'm a classically-trained pianist, so making shit up just doesn't come naturally to me, and it was FUN, really really fun ), but I think the execution is pretty rough. So some days I love it, and some days I cringe. I haven't listened to it in months (since I last saw you, Donna). I think I'll wait til I can hear the whole cd. This is going to be very cool. I think. :
  7. : I bet it's great. Which song did you two do?
  8. It's in Reflecting! Yay. Now I can finish being anxious for the cd to be out, and go back to being nervous about people hearing my amateur-hour contribution. Thanks, all you tribute workers, for your contributions to my mood swings.
  9. Yes, what he said. And also, is there anything I can do to help move things along? I'd be happy to pitch in.
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