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Everything posted by Hodie

  1. Great great GREAT for reading on the plane. Especially if you don't mind laugh-snorting your Southwest peanuts all over your tray-table. The thing with the Supreme Court deciding cases by playing basketball is just magnificent.
  2. I'm getting the dreaded red X on the picture! In case anyone else is, too, just copy the link: http://www.austinchronicle.com/issues/disp...feature14-1.jpg Especially if your name is "Dreamin'". That bbop sure knows who to party with.
  3. Thanks for the story, Diane (and welcome to VC, too). Jeff does like to banter with the crowd, and I've seen many occasions where he's been taken aback by someone taking his teasing personally. I'm so glad the dreadlocks guy got over it and came back! He would've definitely felt like an idiot the next day if he traveled all the way from NY and missed a great show due to a snit fit.
  4. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?s=&...ndpost&p=640308
  5. You might find this post helpful, asmara.
  6. It looks sparkly new, thanks much.
  7. (or woman ) It is really hard to find, but just put a search up on ebay -- it's bound to show back up again.
  8. I own a copy of this -- I play piano, and it's kinda useless as piano tab. I'm not going to scan it in, but I'll be happy to share the Wilco love: I'll mail it to the first person who PMs me with their postal address.
  9. Thanks for the story! I can't believe we still have to wait months until ours happens -- too many busy schedules in our group. And I just wanted to mention that I LOVE it when Jeff sings to flowers:
  10. Thanks so much for the setlist, Julie. I'm curious, what's "**** Jazz Odyssey"?
  11. Does anyone remember which song this personality-filled picture came from? Or is he just happy to see the buffet or something?
  12. Thanks much for the pictures! I'm looking forward to the complete set list, and also reports on banter.
  13. Some people just have eagle eyes. Like for instance, my sister managed to spot me on the wilcoworld.net page...
  14. In this picture from last summer's Buffalo show, Paul is standing directly behind me. Due to the fact that I'm often the beneficiary of his chivalry, "directly behind me" is a pretty frequent description of his location. (Good luck finding me, in that picture though. )
  15. I don't have any pictures to add (I've looked), but I just want to mention that this is the best thread idea I've ever met.
  16. I'm drunk on wine, so I dare not add anything except: HA!!! That's hilarious.
  17. I finished this on my California trip. It was freaking me out in a very scary way at the beginning (a spooky existential angst sort of sensation). But then it just became a beautiful novel, and I loved it. I have yet to read a book by Glen Duncan that I didn't find wonderful, though from the reviews it looks like he's written a couple of bad ones. So far, I've liked: I, Lucifer; Weathercock (also containing some very creepy moments, though of a different kind); and Death of an Ordinary Man.
  18. Brilliantly written, insightful, inspiring, and I like it. It's technically about the firebombing of the MOVE family in Philadelphia, but there's an awful lot more wrapped around that core.
  19. Jon's face and I say thank you very much.
  20. I'm getting "The upload failed. Please contact a member of staff to help rectify the problem" when I try to reupload. Any hints? Thanks much.
  21. All this time I've been reading that as "in my HUMBLE opinion"! I've been attributing a lot more modesty to the internet than is apparently warranted.
  22. That reminds me of an archiving thought I had: if we really want the World Locator thingie to be used, we probably should leave that unarchived. Though it occurs to me that we might be trying to phase it out?
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