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tongue-tied lightning

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Everything posted by tongue-tied lightning

  1. lucky enough see The Pogues live. Shane created something that really wasn't a thing. Irish/alt/punk, whatever you want to label it. us fans never thought he'd make it to 65. He said he started drinking at age 6, he never stopped. RIP that was a grand funeral
  2. hey to you Ms. GoGo it is nice to come visit. It's calm & relaxed here. ah, the old days ! so many great topics. I'm not big on FB, people were never mean here, perhaps a few trolls tried to rattle us, but usually failed.
  3. June 13th, 2003 what a day, VC always feels like home
  4. great to see her back making music after 6 years away
  5. ha ! nope, didn't make it. I streamed the shows though. do you think I would've gone to SS without telling you ?!!!
  6. kinda funny all this Wilco vs Wilco stuff. On a whim I decided to listen to Star Wars, haven't heard it since it came out. I was surprised how much I liked it. Things can change on so many different levels of listening. When, mood, headphones. next up Schmilco. I did enjoy CC better live. A little looser than the record, like most live music. the FB group ? basically cracks me up.
  7. ok, I'll give this review thing a shot. I've given this record a solid thorough listen. I really, really like it. That's 2 reallys, not bad. I do feel like it's Tweedy solo 2.0, with Wilco. That makes it extra great, the guys are unreal; musicians and add so much. It does feel like it has that recent Tweedy County/Folk vibe that he's been into. I hear a lot of the same acoustic rhythm his solo records have. The whisper singing ? eh, Would I love a Summerteeth part 2 ? yes, please, but anything Wilco gives me/us, is refreshing. I did love the way it sounded live, gotta have that recording. I wo
  8. yeah, I'm all in. Tour coming to Philly & NYC !
  9. what's really scary is I looked at my sent messages, and saw that I send a message to FrOnk 18 years ago!! yes, he responded back.
  10. YES ! Shiney ! I couldn't think of who started the debate on the cheese
  11. wow ! that's awesome Donna. Reading Jeff's take on it all, was amazing. So many memories. I remember those initials, LLP, sad to hear he passed. I stumbled on VC early on & it was such an addiction. Kept me from going crazy, being bored at my job, always hoping I wouldn't get caught by anyone at work. I've also met and still keep in touch with so many great people from those first months of VC.I can say I knew Paul before he became a celeb. Kinda unreal, 20 years. It really was/is a family, of course I miss those early, early days, but memories are great to have. Than's Donna, yer the best
  12. the new record is amazing. Love every track. Jim has stepped it up. Hope they swing back East in the Spring.
  13. love me some Spoon. Gotta admit, I like their older stuff a bit more than recent, but I'm all in.
  14. just finished the Peter Frampton book. recomended starting Little Steven's/Miami Steve book
  15. that's crazy, I thought they were aren't at the same time. Any idea what George is doing ?
  16. I saw this record pop up, and total remember this band. I haven't listened yet, but hoping it's at least good. Lots of bands get lost. I always loved the band The Saints, Australian group. same kinda vibe.
  17. new record coming. I unfortunately missed this tour, but have watched lots of live vids. This band is just relentless. I've always loved Jim's writing & singing, the whole band is now right up there with Wilco. Should I dare say, sometimes I love them more.
  18. that's a fine looking glass to fill beverages with
  19. https://youtu.be/89P8M6QXME0 it’s snowing, AGAIN in Jersey. Warms me, seeing Jeff if shorts, and talking about Hawaii.
  20. When Glen joined Wilco, I never heard of him. He’s made a huge impact on the music Jeff writes, he’s transformed the sound of Wilco part 2.
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