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Everything posted by SarahC

  1. i freak out if i am not there an hour before the show starts. if we were late i would probably faint
  2. that photo makes me go awwwww!!! although, i hear max isn't exactly adorable anymore, terible 2's you know...
  3. what's today's theme? i'm scared to go back a page...
  4. it's not with today's theme, but i figure i should post a picture of my new favorite MSBF(movie star bf)
  5. (insert elliott smith picture here) thanks for that picture ms. peel! i'm seeing him next week. we're gonna meet up at 4:30 and go to supper or something fun!
  6. My sister got to hang with the Watson's after the show, because my Dad met their Grandma and family (he was actually sitting next to them in the back and they all talked) it was pretty cool... they picture she took with them is really cure, I'll see if she'll let me post it.
  7. yeah, thoes openers in atlanta were horrible. i felt bad for that one band...then the scary guy and his drummer...bugh. i like Johnathan's voice...though it is a bit Mayer-ish...
  8. luckiest sax, trombone and trumpet players ever! wow
  9. awesome! it's good to know there's gonna be some recordings from this tour! thanks i wish somebody would have taped the CT show too.
  10. oh, yeah, didn't think about that... oh well, it'd be cool if you could go, he's got a lot of energy and it's always a lot of fun. i'm excited to hear the june dates announced. i've heard a rumor of a knoxville date...
  11. he's also playing a show at Headliner's that night. I seriously considered going but it's almost as long of a drive to KY as it is to Memphis
  12. yeah, i missed that! i wanted to see that, but woke up too late. with all the great press the believer is getting i'm suprised more people aren't going to the shows. there was only about 100-130 people there Wendsday.
  13. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v112/fou...20in%20atlanta/ there are my pictures
  14. Lou! here's a picture from the show (i didn't take this, somebody who went did)
  15. The drive down was pretty decent. Atlanta traffic wasn't bad at all, probably because it was the middle of the week. I was really anxious because we ended up running late getting on the road (we always do), but Dad and Becca were really relaxed. When we got there there was probably about 15 people there, and slowly more started to come. I'm guessing by the time the opener came on there were probably 80 people there, by the time Rhett came on I think there was probably 150 or so, not packed, but a good crowd for a Wensday I guess. Here's a scan of the setlist I got (I'm collecting them no
  16. this song means a lot to me...
  17. I finished a booked called Bee Season last night, and it was really interesting. I think I'll start in on the books Rosie sent me for X-mas now... I've been meaning to for a while now.
  18. thanks mr. boots! pops=authenticity at least to me...
  19. "The Maker Makes" by Rufus Wainwright One more chain I break, to get me closer to you One more chain does the maker make, to keep me from bustin' through One more notch I scratch, to keep me thinkin' of you One more notch does the maker make, upon my face so blue Get along little doggies, get along little doggies One more smile I fake, 'n try my best to be glad One more smile does the maker make, because he knows I'm sad Oh Lord, how I know, Oh Lord, how I see, that only can the maker make a happy man of me
  20. jodi my friend, you have mail! (i am a wee bit hyper...)
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