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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I have no idea where you got that number. Even if it's the full 76 million workers who work hourly wages, that only comes out to 3.95 million who work multiple jobs. Until last year, you could have counted me among those, although neither of my two hourly jobs were minimum wage. So we're looking at something more like 3,949,999 people. Surely that's not 5.2% of the entire U.S. population, many of whom wouldn't even be working age anyway.
  2. The "Three-Year" part is important. It's an average, over three years, of the median income.
  3. I saw them with Wookies in DC in 2000, maybe. Then we got a ride home from a crack smoking prostitute.
  4. Alex Rodriguez was a poor kid who moved from New York City to the Dominican Republic to Miami by the time he was seven, when his father abandoned the rest of the family. If he had the chance to play baseball, anyone does. There are youth leagues throughout the US, with millions of participants - not to mention youth development centers all over the Caribbean. It's not a matter of opportunity.
  5. They also sang "Money (That's What I Want)" a lot in their younger days. And they deplored the tax rate for rich people in Britain. Like I said, they dabbled in the Eastern spiritualism, but they were never anything but capitalists. Also, what's a ticket to a Ringo concert go for these days.
  6. Seemed to me like Jerry was just giving him some (mostly?) good-natured shit. He didn't really seem pissed, and Larry certainly didn't seem to be taking it that way...
  7. When were the Beatles (and specifically Paul) about anything other than selling records? George got into the whole Eastern spiritualism thing, and the other guys went along for a while, but they dropped that shit pretty quickly. None of them were ever hippies or part of the free love/go live on a commune scene.
  8. Maybe it was a ruse to get the Red Sox to let Mike Lowell go.
  9. OMG he should change his name to Sigur Rodriguez.
  10. Carter Beauford is a damn fine drummer.
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