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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Who (besides you) said anything about guitar?
  2. I'm pretty sure they're not the same guy, but I'll watch again tonight.
  3. Since 2000, the following teams have made the playoffs: NL (10) Cards (6/2 World Series appearances) Braves (6) Giants (3/1WS) Astros (3/1WS) Diamondbacks (2/1WS) Mets (2/1WS) Dodgers (2) Padres (2) Cubs (1) Marlins (1/1WS) AL (9) Yankees (7/3WS) A's (5) Twins (4) Angels (3/1WS) Red Sox (3/1WS) Mariners (2) White Sox (2/1WS) Indians (1) Tigers (1/1WS) Looks like about the same level of competition to me, although the National League has sent more different teams to the playoffs and to the World Series over that span.
  4. I went to high school with some kids who lived in Iceland for a couple years. About the only thing I got out of our conversations about Iceland is "it's windy."
  5. Now, what's it gonna be young feller? You want I should freeze or get down on the ground? 'Cause if'n I freeze, I can't rightly drop. And if'n I drop, I'm gonna be in motion.
  6. I bet you like to go to the dogfights, too.
  7. Edit the first post of the thread.
  8. I've been "lost" from the Farrar board for a while now. How's that Scandinavian kid Ferny doing these days?
  9. I'm surprised that they let headphones anywhere near an MRI machine. On another note, read this and weep, bitches.
  10. Exactly. The weird looks are from people who are embarrassed at your lameness.
  11. Two things stand out to me in this video. 1. It's a blind kid who uses fucking echolocation. 2. His mother is named after fucking hairspray.
  12. 150 km/h = about 93 mph. And I see that dude getting called for (conservatively) 48 balks a game.
  13. I think you're going to have to be a little more specific.
  14. El Kevin overreacting when called out on beating a joke into the ground = the freshness
  15. Looks like Donnatella Versace is he new poster-thing for Superflu.
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