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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I think he look more like Kris Kristofferson, or perhaps James Brolin in The Amityville Horror. Chuck does play a little bass, but not in the conventional way - he simply stares at the instrument and the strings vibrate in fear. He's pretty rockin. 1.]I don't know why you've been at VC for 2 and a half years now,if you feel like nobody really likes you.Perhaps you are just some kind of masochist. 2.]You'll have to be more specific about who thinks their the shit. 3.]I think Yahoo does e-cards. Thanks. Yes - he employed it to great effect on "Why Don't We Just Do It in the R
  2. I'm not grumpy, and if you continue to suggest I am, we're gonna have words. Got it?
  3. You know, the game where a bunch of kids sit in a circle, and the first kid whispers something like "Why wait for tomorrow," and after it goes around the circle you end up with "My taint burns with sorrow"? That game?
  4. My dad has been to the Gulf Coast (at least) four times in the past year with this group. I don't believe they have murdered anyone in the name of their faith, but I know they have gutted and rebuilt a SHITLOAD of houses.
  5. What, no love for The Secret of My Success? Billie Jean is in it.
  6. That is not a question, but at least now you don't have to move to [i would say "Iowa" here, but that's where you're from, so it wouldn't work] Manitoba and change your name to Frozenchickenankle Bickerson.
  7. By all means, but make sure you start a new thread for it. Maybe two. Nothing would make me happier than to tell you that you can just blow off your kickball game, but you made a commitment, and now you have to fulfill your obligations. Nothing is more important than your word, when you really get down to it. You want people to be able to count on you, don't you? Yeah, sure, it's "just" kickball, but if you start here, where does it end? You don't want to start down that slippery slope, let me tell you. Seriously. Or you could try to bribe your way out of playing with some of that home-
  8. That can't possibly be the government rate, and I'll answer the questions, thanks. Okay, Perm. Something like that. Not a question. Yep. Not ?. I was not aware that Analogman had any children, so I can't speak to the why, except in general terms, and I really think you'd be better off sitting in on a middle school health class for that.
  9. I'm pretty sure it was Greg Maddux, because I half remember it being a west coast team, but I'm just not positive.
  10. My favorite show on the TV is a 24-hour feed of Flozell Adams doing the Cabbage Patch on IRememberDBoon's forehead.
  11. Shit, negro, I've already heard him on WEEI. He sounded pretty damn good, if a little tentative. Spent a lot of time thanking the lady who saw him pull over, stopped and called 911, as well as the rescue/medical personnel at all stages of his recovery. Said his wife knew he was going to be fine when she came in one day and he asked her "How the hell did [pitcher] end up on [team]?" It would probably be more poignant if I could remember the player and team involved, but you get the idea.
  12. It's a market-driven economy, so you should charge enough to cover your operating costs, and then whatever you're comfortable with over that. Non-monetary compensation is also acceptable in most cases.
  13. Do you ever have steak night at your dining hall? Steak night is always fun. Stay home and have a Clif bar covered with Easy Cheese.
  14. George Starkey. It was a frou-frou salad, but it had no spinach of which I was aware. I sprinkled molten lead generously over it, though, so that should have taken care of any e. coli that may have been lurking.
  15. If you are truly five pounds lighter, "stellar" sounds like a proper description. Nice one, Judreaux. I had a make-your-own-burrito thing with chicken mole, lettuce and beans, with a little sour cream, plus a side salad. It wasn't too shabby.
  16. Seriously, though, is there some kind of plan for what happens if polluting companies actually clean up their act? How do you keep revenue up? Punish companies that get cleaner by raising pollution tax rates?
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