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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Both possible and likely. She should really just save everybody some time and start communicating all of her and her family's personal business by press release.
  2. I don't recall suggesting that you round up, but sure, it's out of ten.
  3. I would refer this question to my colleague Dr. Judy "Dreamin" Freud, who can probably do a better job. She's Canadian, though, so you probably shouldn't trust her. It would be difficult to convince me that activities like gambling or viewing pornography are as addictive as heroin, cocaine and other drugs are, although I certainly agree that they can be habit-forming.
  4. It's a distinct possibility. The dependent clause "outside of the occasional bumming of a cigarette" should have been fully set off by commas, his use of "totally" makes the word "altogether" redundant, and every word of it is complete bullshit.
  5. If you mean the automobile, I would consider it. Decent gas mileage, but it's a 4 cylinder, so you'll need a test drive to see if it's got enough power. Don't discount the value of having a car with enough juice to get out of the way of an accident. If you're suggesting that people avoid me, then I find that very hurtful. I have no advice on your sound system. Maybe Jude can help you with that. Is that anything like a Yngwie Malmsteen? I think it's pretty much common knowledge that every metal sound mixer/producer in the 80's was on drugs. That likely explains much of your problem.
  6. WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF COLLEGE DINING HALL DOESN'T OPEN UNTIL 10:30 ON THE WEEKENDS? And with that, I'm going to breakfast. Godspeed, CW.
  7. Bobbo, you should probably try to catch a nap if you're going to be watching football (and drinking beer) all day today like a normal college man. The value of dining hall breakfast is not to be discounted, however, after a night of drinking, especially when you haven't slept. This is quite a conundrum. I would suggest that you go and power down some greasy food, then come home and sleep until about noon. Also, with regard to the question you posted in the RTT: don't be a pussy. If your roommate is going to try to exact some retribution on you for the sharpie attack, that's what he's going
  8. People get all "devil may care" and reckless over the "week-end" and think they can get through the two (and sometimes as many as four or five) days without my guidance. They do so at their peril. You should have an orange slice and whatever the special sausage is. I'm hoping for wild boar and cranberry again. And scotch.
  9. Please tell me you had the audacity to at least tell a customer to kiss your grits.
  10. Don't get me wrong, if you put a Fat Tire down in front of me, I'll drink it. It's a decent beer. It's just boring (IMO of course). Nothing wrong with that. To each his own.
  11. I have asked my 14 year old self, and we concur that, given the chance, any sane heterosexual teenage male would be powerless to resist her siren's call. And I think you're doing fine.
  12. Of course it's okay, and don't mention it. Sad to say, but the rash is probably cancer.
  13. btw, benito, the floating Jerry hand is friggin creepy.
  14. Fat Tire is a middle of the road amber ale. It is flat, dull and boring. But hey, if you like it... edit: and yes, this should be in TTL. Fucking shit, man.
  15. Man, I tell you. That Orson Welles made Montgomery Clift look like a monk. One time he ate an entire bakery counter with butter and jam, washed it down with a hogshead of mushroom tea, and then directed the Magnificent Ambersons. He was nuts. When it's over, invite them over to your house to watch a "documentary" on more peaceful uses of meat. Dishwasher, top rack, or just throw it in with your next load of laundry.
  16. That's actually a scene from The Green Mile. No-exception debauchery requirements are nudity and swearing. Intoxication is recommended but not mandatory.
  17. I think he's a well-meaning guy who broke the law. Let's be honest, though. He's in it for the money and the gigantic, gigantic titties. He's not just about the altruism. Regarding your second question, I have a question of my own: Why do you hate Simon Wiesenthal? Experts are agreed that heroin is a recreational drug that is safe and should have little to no impact on your job and finances, not to mention your relationships with others. Set a goal to get hooked by 3:00 p.m. Eastern. You should stop mumbling, because it's really starting to bum me out.
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