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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Probably goes back to the days when many managers were player/managers... Implies.
  2. I'll second A-man's Wake of the Flood and all those offering WD and AB. But it really depends on what you like. There's some really, really good stuff on a lot of the Dead's albums (none of which I can really listen to much anymore), but it's a crapshoot if we don't know what you're looking for.
  3. Dehydration from drinking or perhaps you kicked your phone into the pool.
  4. Seriously. I hear Kant and Thomas Jefferson were both very fond of them. Voltaire, not so much.
  5. Roy Orbison had died by the time they made the video. That's what the empty rocking chair represents during his parts... Good stuff.
  6. Christ. Perhaps I should be concentrating on work today.
  7. Somehow I confused A Christmas Story with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Oops.
  8. [imdwalrus]Using it ------------------------------------------ [giant BTILC animation] [/imdwalrus]
  9. "Compact Disc DataBase"
  10. How long until she shoots Mrs. LoDuca in the face?
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