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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. 5 offensive stats X 5 defensive stats cumulative points
  2. Posted from IE, since Firefox is broken!
  3. So all of my formatting options (text formatting, insert objects, emoticons, etc.) are gone. The Attachment Editor and everything below the reply pane are still intact. "Toggle Side Panel" just puts more gray space over on the left side of the screen. Clicking "Quote" in a thread just jumps me to the top of the page, but "Reply" still works. This only happens at work, on Firefox. It does not happen at home (on Firefox) or on IE, anywhere. I post at another Invision board, and it works fine everywhere, with any browser. Any idea what the dang hell is going on?
  4. That's an awesome photo and everything, but if you're looking at that thing that's even with the Washington Monument on the left side of the pic, I think that's the paddleboat marina.
  5. Yes, it was H.W. I don't see what the problem is with him wearing a purple scarf, whatever it means. In fact, if he was wearing the scarf in the spirit of cooperation, I have a problem with you having a problem with that.
  6. Yeah, as noted, Acting President doesn't take the Oath. And, as it turns out, most of the times the President has been incapacitated, nobody did anything. Woodrow Wilson was a veritable vegetable for the last two years of his Presidency and nobody even knew. edit: and Analogman got the Wilson thing, too.
  7. As far as I know, since Grover Cleveland is the only guy to have served nonconsecutive terms.
  8. I dunno. I heard 44. Maybe he was including Alexander Haig.
  9. Well, Roberts effed up the line, which I think threw Obama off. Also, Obama said that 44 people have now taken the Presidential Oath of Office. That is incorrect.
  10. Red + Blue = purple = bipartisanship?
  11. He just doesn't want to have to show Obama any respect by standing during the inauguration.
  12. I know this as well: Mark Holton (neither the real guy nor the dude who used to post here under that name) is not in Wilco.
  13. Actually, I lied. I also know Mark Holton is a big fan.
  14. The only thing I know about the Great Lakes Swimmers is that they are not in Wilco.
  15. There was one of these in the toy repository in my grandfather's basement forever.
  16. That's pretty much what Jay looks like in every concert video I've seen of him.
  17. I certainly don't like the idea of colon returns.
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