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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Again - why is it so important for the writers to address this? If the Kate and Jack and Hurley would know Ben was there around that time, why would Juliet/Sawyer/Jin need to tell them something they already know? Do they need to tell the new arrivals that they have running water and electricity?
  2. ...and presumably using the harvested rainfall (in most cases) on their property just as they would if it had fallen as rain, in which case, it would be eventually going through the same processes and reaching the same final destination as if it had not been harvested.
  3. Yeah, it's a little weird, though, since Ethan would have been older than 27 in 2004. As the wife put it, "maybe people age differently on the island." I guess...
  4. I just played the hell out of some tennis. I switched to baseball, but had to quit because that game effin cheats.
  5. I also read Chariots of the Gods? when I was a kid. I don't really remember much of it anymore, though.
  6. Where do you get the impression this is a partisan thing?
  7. Where do you get the impression that the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch have, or should have, the same powers and obligations?
  8. I listened to Being There today.
  9. I have created a head-to-head fantasy baseball league at Yahoo. If anyone is interested in playing, shoot me a PM.
  10. You would probably be charged currently if you sold someone feces for human consumption.
  11. Exactly why you realize the post you quoted isn't real?
  12. From what I could gather from the link above with Monica - excuse me, Council President Monica Conyers - calling into the radio station, it's the same weekend as the Final Four, which I guess is in Detroit, so it would not have been feasible to hold the concert at a venue in the city.
  13. Why shouldn't he have to justify it? It's not something he was offered - it's something he demanded, after he had presided over his company's failure. There's a reason it's called a performance bonus.
  14. Huh. If we had been able to score free/reduced tix from the convention center, we would have gone to this concert instead of Gameworks in Ybor. Looks like a pretty good time - definitely the right era of Elton John tunes...
  15. Seems to me it would be pretty consistent with Sawyer's personality not to care one way or another what happens to the DI folks.
  16. Again, since Daniel said (repeatedly) that they cannot do anything to change future events, what good would it do to say anything about Ben's future attack on the DI? What should Sawyer et al. do about 12 year-old Ben? edit: I just don't understand what the continuity error is here. Either they know the 1970s Linuses or not, but they can't do anything to change what happens to them later.
  17. Sawyer of 2004 would not know anything about what "LaFleur" knows of the Dharma Initiative. Though it is happening in the past, it is in Sawyer 2004's future.
  18. I'm pretty sure people have been bitching about how much these executives make for quite some time now.
  19. Why does it have to be a fuckup? What difference could Sawyer, et al. make? Daniel has said repeatedly they can't change future events.
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