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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I'm not the board police. I'm trying to understand some viewpoints that I don't quite get. Ah yes, I remember that you have a very academic and analytical approach to discussion of musical tastes. I don't see what's wrong with bitching, though, and why it has to be tied to troublemaking. There are lots of ways to discuss music.
  2. I was under the impression that the album had leaked, or was that someone having fun?
  3. So: 1. You shouldn't express that you don't like a particular album (or aspect of an album). 2. If someone expresses that he or she likes a particular album (or aspect of an album), you should not disagree and offer your own opinion, because you're only seeking to cause trouble. Do I have it right?
  4. I thought this thread was about Arlen Specter.
  5. So if you thought those records sucked, you would have a small record collection, then.
  6. Now, I'm not trying to be argumentative or anything, but what is a "true" Wilco fan?
  7. Yes, that's exactly how it played out. Regardless, we can agree to disagree.
  8. My name is Ben, actually.
  9. It seems to me that junkiesmile (sorry, got my 'j's confused) was stating a perfectly valid opinion that he or she feels that Wilco's music relies too heavily on Nels Cline's guitar solos, in contrast to earlier Wilco incarnations, which did not. It is possible to dislike one aspect of a band's output and still like the band's work as a whole. Preferring that Wilco move away from the reliance on long guitar breakdowns he or she feels diminished the quality/emotion/etc. of Sky Blue Sky, and has the potential to do the same to the new album, does not mean that his or her opinion on Wilco's music
  10. You address the fact that Nels's "killer" guitar is different from Jay Bennett's "killer" guitar in your second paragraph? You address the fact that in your defensiveness you attribute motives and opinions to jakobnicholas that he surely did not intend? The fact that someone does not like the direction a band has taken does not disqualify him or her from listening to and/or commenting on that band's music. There's no need to be so defensive.
  11. This strikes me as overly defensive. Surely you can see the difference in the guitar styles of pre- and post-Nels Wilco, and understand that the work that Nels does may not be to some people's liking, despite the fact that he's extremely technically proficient? I am not sure it would be possible for me to agree less. To each his own.
  12. Regardless of the tempo or mood of the new album, Sky Blue Sky will no longer rank last on this list when the new album comes out.
  13. My realtor drives a Saab. Two, actually, I think. He seems to like them OK.
  14. Yes, but in those cases, it is not a self-titled album. Self-titled means the name of the band is the name of the album, not that the name of the band is in the name of the album.
  15. If the album is called anything other than Wilco, then it is not self-titled.
  16. When you buy something from Amazon, they get the same markup that a brick and mortar store would get on the same merchandise, and they have lower overhead, so they don't need to charge more to sell you the same things you can buy in a store. As far as I know, the venue/label/artist keeps the same amount from each ticket when you buy through Ticketmaster as when you buy from the venue, so TM doesn't get the same markup as an online retailer like Amazon does. Thus the additional charges. Also because they have a monopoly on the events they sell, so they can. If Amazon was the only place that y
  17. So he can tell people (from experience!) what kind of music they aren't listening to.
  18. Which section of "Dark Star" is folk/bluegrass-based? "Drums"? "Space"? "Cream Puff War?"? "Sand Castles and Glass Camels"? Obviously, the Grateful Dead are not only a psychedelic band, but they are a psychedelic band.
  19. Nope, never had anything from him from the studio, just seen him live a few times.
  20. I've seen Gibb Droll play live. Dude is a fucking guitar wizard. Perhaps there's something else there that keeps him from being mentioned in the same breath as Nirvana and other bands whose guitar mastery doesn't approach his?
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