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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Definitely check out Palace at 4 am; a bunch of those songs are sung by Edward Burch.
  2. Yep. Back at work, and it is as if I did not open VC at all at home last night.
  3. Yeah, I just got home from work, and the new posts button is acting as if I haven't been reading VC all day at work.
  4. Milwaukee is in Wisconsin. I don't know what kind of atlas you're looking at, bro.
  5. Yes. Please, somebody who knows how to do such things, isolate & post that scene from the extras disc. [quote name='Crow Daddy Magnus
  6. Has anyone mentioned that clicking links no longer opens a new tab? Is there a way to change that setting?
  7. Anyone have a rip of "How to Fight Loneliness" from disc 2 of IATTBYH?
  8. It has made the Sun-Times (blog)
  9. Sadly, no, but that's the photo I picked for my avatar a little while ago.
  10. New post at that facebook group: Brad Elvis (longtime Chicago area musician,who knew Jay) says he died in his sleep last night. Rock nRoll Heaven is jamming tonite (and Jay is probably tweeking the hell out of some piece of gear!)
  11. Yeah, the wikipedia edit was done by someone who also posted this to an admin: "Created page with '{{Admin}} Admin, I am looking for help! I have only ever edited my boyfriend Pat Sansone's wiki. [snip]" I'm gonna wait for a little more on this one.
  12. I think you should read his post a little more closely, unless you are not a board member.
  13. Asking Jeff Tweedy about a pending lawsuit is not the same as kidnapping someone's senile mother from a nursing home. Topical ≠ baiting and bizarre
  14. On first listen, there's not a whole lot on this album that I have much use for. It's ok.
  15. Thus my request to bobbob for video of the incident. Do you have a link? Bradley has a history of aggression as well. Why should he be close enough to the umpire that he might make contact with his cap (batting helmet?) in an argument over balls and strikes? But if he didn't touch the umpire, he shouldn't have been suspended.
  16. And the umpire immediately and unequivocally apologized for touching Ordonez. Did Bradley?
  17. If you have video of both incidents, you could post them so that they can be compared, but it sounds to me like there was more to the Milton Bradley incident than his cap possibly touching an umpire as he was attempting to disengage from an argument.
  18. There will be no more fitting epitaph. Close the thread.
  19. What is so awesomely awful about the Offerman story is that the pitch that set this whole thing in motion was an off speed pitch that hit him in the calf.
  20. My point is, just because that's what the title of the article says, does not mean the author proves that point in the article, which seems to be what you were trying to assert. You act as if other people have not posted arguments to the contrary. You have dismissed or ignored all of them, and that's fine, but pretending that they don't exist or that people who don't agree with you haven't considered your position is not. Irrelevant, and lots of people on this board, including many of those who disagree with you about this bill, have, and have expressed, major problems with the Patriot A
  21. Son Volt takes its music way too seriously, or Son Volt take their music way too seriously. Jay Farrar is a serious guy. Who knew?
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