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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Oh, I don't think that other thread is really about vaginae anyway. That dude seems kinda mad at Jeff Tweedy about something, though.
  2. Oh, there's some innuendo in here for sure, but this thread is not about anybody's genitals.
  3. Where's the thread about Nels's penis?
  4. Why would the Sox sit Ortiz? Put LaRoche at first, Youkilis at third and keep Ortiz at DH. Am I missing something?
  5. I have learned not to expect too much from me.
  6. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. What the hell do you think I meant by "phenomenal snack basket"??
  7. A fair question, considering Little Debbie's fickle nature, the revolving-door history of Twinkie the Kid's ego, and the size of Mr. Cline's backside. The band is heavier than ever as a live outfit with the current line-up, mostly due to Nels Cline's phenomenal snack basket, but how much longer can this last? I wouldn't be surprised if it's only one more album and tour. I've been to two of the baseball stadium shows and, at Wappingers Falls, anyway, the crowd was plobbier on Nels' side of the stage. I'm not sure how much longer Mr. Tweedy will find this to be palatable.
  8. I have sat on the passenger side of a vehicle.
  9. Calm down. No, it doesn't. It's a game for the best players in the league to exhibit their skills for the pleasure of the audience. It doesn't need to have any contrived larger purpose.
  10. At least giving home field advantage to the team with the better record has something to do with the teams that are playing in the series. There is no reason to make the All Star Game anything more than it is, which is an exhibition.
  11. Yeah, but what happens if, for example, Pujols gets traded mid-season to the Mariners, but is suspended for using PEDs during his time with St. Louis (say there's a lag between test results and notification/suspension)? Which league does the suspension count against?
  12. Yeah, still, individual team records are more relevant than the outcome of the All Star Game. edit: yeah.
  13. But it's not better than giving home field advantage to the team with the better regular season record.
  14. Uh oh. Bobbob's angry again today.
  15. There's definitely more to it - he's reaching behind him to help someone else down the step. But I'm sure he copped a glance on the way by.
  16. I think bobbob ate one of those guys with the dynamite and now he has heartburn and that's why he's so cranky.
  17. A roast beef sandwich with an apple (or potato chips) and lemonade costs considerably less than a #4 from McDonalds.
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