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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Well, LaRoche is certainly playing well since he's been on the Red Sox.
  2. So much for the no-fee Amazon Visa™ I was going to get you for Labor Day.
  3. Have you signed up for Amazon Prime™ yet?? FREE TWO DAY SHIPPING!!!!!!!
  4. I would leave them in the house and buy new copies from Amazon.
  5. I'm not sure there are many people who like Wilco and who also have a problem with Jeff being the leader of the band. I certainly don't. What gives you the idea that there isn't any dissension in the band? LeRoy's departure certainly seemed to take everyone by surprise... I'm not sure where you came up with your armchair psychiatry bit there at the end, but it's an interesting theory, I suppose. Donna, I think we agree to a large extent, and I don't mean to be dismissive or condescending to suggest those who view Wilco as a collective are romanticizing the nature of the relationships with
  6. Sure, Wilco is a band, and they seem to be doing very well together. The band (read: Jeff) also hasn't fired anyone since Jay. That's great and I hope it continues to be so, even if I don't like the music Wilco makes nearly as much as I like the music Wilco used to make. Jeff clearly is in a better frame of mind than he was at the end of the century (ha), and it's possible that everybody in the future will come and go on their own terms. But I think romanticizing the relationships the band members have doesn't do anyone any favors. I shouldn't have to remind anyone that there was only one band
  7. Despite the romanticized notion some people have about the band, that really is kind of the way it is. Jeff is the leader and "owner" of Wilco, and he is the one who decides who stays or goes. Bob Egan, Jay Bennett, Ken Coomer, Max Johnston - basically everyone who was once in Wilco and is not anymore besides LeRoy Bach - left because Jeff did not want them in the band anymore. Now it may be true now that Jeff is happier than he's ever been with Wilco's lineup, but just because you like him and he makes good music doesn't mean that he doesn't have a track record of removing people from his ban
  8. You know, all you had to say is that you don't like black people.
  9. That was for Buehrle. Nice perfect game. Dunno what more to say about the Ortiz/LaRoche thing. Considering Ortiz had one home run and 18 RBI through May and now has 12/51, vs. LaRoche who has been pretty consistent all year and has 12/40. OPS is comparable (again, Ortiz is way ahead if you discount the start of the season). LaRoche is 8-58 in July. Why is it that LaRoche is a better option than Ortiz? Is it the two stolen bases?
  10. Whoops. Yeah, I knew that and confused it all up in my mind.
  11. Bobbo, discussing the Red Sox is fine. Suggesting that LaRoche is clearly a better option at DH than David Ortiz is a bit of a stretch and struck me as you going out of your way (as you sometimes do) to post negatively about the Red Sox.
  12. Honestly, more than anything I think it was a move to get something (anything) of value for Lugo, who didn't have a place on the Red Sox anymore.
  13. Yes. I'm just trying to get bobbob to admit that LaRoche is not a clear improvement over Ortiz and that his comment was just meant to be provocative. It's fun watching him scramble.
  14. Than his first half of the season or than Ortiz's second half of the season?
  15. Truth is, I'm bored at work this afternoon. Otherwise, I'm sure I'd be uninvolved.
  16. Doesn't having a discussion about something often involve challenging one's/others' preconceived notions?
  17. And which is also higher than LaRoche's season/career OPS.
  18. If you look at the entire season, he is a "clear" upgrade over Ortiz, but is he if you don't count the first two months of the season? Despite the woeful start to the season, and eight fewer at bats, Ortiz has eleven (more than 20%) more RBI than LaRoche. He seems to be a clear upgrade over Mark Kotsay at first. He is a clearly better option than Jed Lowrie and essentially the same as Nick Green at the plate (but with better power numbers).
  19. I don't like every Wilco song. Do I like Wilco or "like" Wilco?
  20. I don't think people necessarily didn't like the discussion, but rather didn't like the manner in which the discussion was framed by the OP.
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