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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. How the hell is that thing worth $550K? That's $500/lb before you even get rid of all the shit you can't eat...
  2. Did we ever figure out what happened to the Happy Busman?
  3. I'm sure I can find porno on a cliff by a sea without paying to watch it in a theater with other people.
  4. Shit. Bump "What is Life" from my list and put "Run of the Mill" somewhere up around 4.
  5. 1. "Who Can See It" - George 2. "Art of Dying" - George 3. "The Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp" - George 4. "Beware of Darkness" - George 5. "Wah-Wah" - George 6. "It Don't Come Easy" - Ringo 7. "Awaiting on You All" - George 8. "Sue Me, Sue You Blues" - George 9. "What is Life" - George 10. "Power to the People" - John
  6. As you say, someone is trying to milk the story. The Times gets a reliable ratings boost every time they leak a name, so they're not going to release the whole list any time soon, and the list is sealed by court order, so neither the government nor MLB is going to just release the list. One of the doctors I worked with in Providence thought Ortiz was juicing when he kept having knee problems and heartbeat irregularity in 06. Looks like he was on to something.
  7. Does your auto insurance go up if you fail to get your oil changed?
  8. Not for nothing, but Michael Vick got fired from his old job and isn't getting it back. It is likely that he will get hired by another team, though. He hasn't exactly been welcomed back into society with open arms. Public opinion is pretty divided on him, as well. I'm sure that highly skilled plumbers who commit felonies, are able to get jobs as plumbers after they have served their sentences. Doctors, lawyers, maybe not so much, but these people are in positions of trust, which doesn't exactly apply to a guy who throws a football for a living.
  9. To be fair, going to jail for two years ≠ a free pass, even adjusted for inflation and current exchange rates.
  10. But if people do not do routine medical care, causing easily and cheaply preventable conditions to become much more expensive covered conditions/events, what happens to premiums then?
  11. Who says he can't work? He's already got a construction job. Banning him from football would not keep him from being able to work. I also think he should have gone to jail for longer, but Michael Vick has done things mostly correctly at least since it became clear to him that he was not going to get away with killing and torturing dogs. He seems genuinely contrite, but it's tough to say how much of that is real or how much of it is the millions he stands to make again once another NFL team takes a chance on him. I will say that this "conditional reinstatement" deal is bullshit waffling by Go
  12. You're also assuming that people would pay for preventive checkups/routine visits out of pocket if they were not covered. I did not have dental insurance for five years and paid for exactly zero routine visits out of pocket. As soon as I got insurance again, I started going to the dentist again. If people don't go to the doctor for routine stuff, which then develops into something more serious as a result, and only visit the doctor once it gets bad enough to be covered, the covered treatment can cost as much as a bunch of those routine visits which aren't covered under your plan, and then wher
  13. What if you trade Ross in order to add a piece?
  14. I just watched the scene in question with the commentary on, and this is what I get: I understand what Jeff is trying to say, but it's awfully easy to make yourself look better in such a situation when you're able to explain the (real or "enhanced") meaning of your words after the fact. Jeff had that opportunity and he came up with a plausible explanation. It's certainly possible that's all he meant.
  15. Nice article. I was under the impression that Jay did not join the band until after A.M. had been recorded, so it's not going to bear much of his influence, unless he recorded some overdubs at some point that will be included on the reissues. edit: that first sentence might come off as snarky, which could not be further from my intent.
  16. It could be correct on a math quiz, if the right question is asked.
  17. Racism can be right or wrong, but I don't know that it can be correct, except as the answer on a quiz.
  18. As given by Jeff, after the fact, without Jay present?
  19. Also Roberto Clemente (born Robert Clemens) was from Dothan, Alabama.
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