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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Sure I do. You must not have been reading my posts. I don't have a problem with pitchers retaliating for intentional beanings, even though I think it's kind of stupid.
  2. You are correct that I have a problem with pitchers hitting other batters in all cases where the pitchers are "protecting" batters who got hit because they could not get out of the way of inside pitches that would not have hit them if they did not stand over the plate on two consecutive nights of a baseball series. Yes.
  3. Yeah, here is where we disagree. If your player keeps getting hit because he can't get out of the way of legitimate inside pitches, then the way you protect him is by teaching him how to avoid getting hit, or by getting him a piece of armor (which Cabrera has, because he knows he stands out over the plate and gets hit a lot). It's why Youkilis wears one, also. There are ways of getting that message across other than drilling someone in the middle of the back.
  4. Youk didn't just get hit twice in two games. He got hit twice on purpose in two games. The two beanings had nothing to do with him standing close to the plate, and he's never charged the mound after getting hit for crowding the plate.
  5. Where did I say the Tigers should not protect their player?
  6. Would it be less offensive if I said it was because he was black?
  7. Awesome. I'll be at the Dolphins/Jaguars game on Monday. I'll try to remember to bring my earplugs.
  8. Bobbo, you may or may not recall, but I called out Coco Crisp last year for charging the mound after getting hit in the ass, because he was retarded. And the difference between the four HBPs is that two were intentional and two were not, as I explained above. You hit a guy on the other team after the other pitcher hits a guy on your team because somebody else hit a home run and he's pissed, or there's something else going on. If your batter gets hit because he's crowding the plate and can't get out of the way of an inside pitch, it's a different story. Not saying you don't come inside on the
  9. The beaning of Youkilis was (direct) retaliation for Tazawa hitting Miguel Cabrera on the hand in the first inning, and his (Cabrera's) subsequent exit from the game. Youkilis was also plunked last night in retaliation for Cabrera being hit. The thing is, both times Cabrera was hit, it was good baseball - i.e., pitching inside to keep Cabrera from crowding the plate. Cabrera stands close and dives in, so he was unable to get out of the way of two pitches which weren't that far inside. Youkilis was intentionally hit both times in retaliation for the accidental Cabrera HBPs. Sure, pitchers have
  10. And a nice performance after he got tossed. Guess he was pissed he got thrown out of the game when his family had driven six hours from New Jersey to watch him pitch. Note to Rick Porcello: if you don't want to get thrown out of the game, don't try to hit two opposing batters.
  11. Sure they have (well, maybe not rent), but they're still high. I don't have a lot of advice (we live on the opposite side of DC), but Laurel is nice, and is about halfway between College Park and Hanover. You're going to be commuting on 295, which can suck, but generally moves along fairly well. College Park is a nice little town, but it can be a BITCH to get into and out of - but I'm thinking of the southern route; don't know what it's like on the opposite side. I'd imagine it's a little easier when you're not dealing with the space between CP and DC. No idea what it's like between Hanover
  12. Someone who is getting sick of being thrown at (see also: Edwin Jackson, Joba Chamberlain), I would imagine. The helmet throwing was a bit much, though. Your boy Mike Lowell did pretty well for an old guy after pinch running for probably the first and last time of his career.
  13. Scuttlebutt is that Vick is headed to the Ravens, and that a deal is close to being done.
  14. Dismissive. "There's a simple explanation for how you feel, and I've diagnosed it!" Seems like sarcastic, rather than sincere, agreement in this case.
  15. Yeah, I agree. Fielder and Mota should both have been suspended for a couple games. Taking the argument off the field and into the clubhouse is worse than charging the mound, IMO, because it's beyond the heat of the moment.
  16. Deciding that the reason OP feels the way he does because he doesn't like the wider audience - an opinion not expressed in the opening post or thereafter by OP - is dismissive, which is certainly not to say that some people don't fall victim to that mentality.
  17. Yeah, this post is just as dismissive as what you're accusing him of.
  18. I was under the impression that we had established that LeRoy quit because a psychic foretold that Wilco would record "You Never Know" (or possibly "What Light").
  19. You should probably as LeRoy. He's the one who quit because of them.
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