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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I know it's still early and all, but Brett's 17 TDs vs. 3 interceptions are probably a little bit better than "pretty crappy".
  2. He was a member of, and produced the albums of, the Traveling Wilburys. I agree with cryptique that the albums were overproduced. I still think they're pretty great.
  3. Oh, he threw the game, no question.
  4. That was a great ending and some horrible play calling by the sweatshirt.
  5. A little off topic, but this is an abomination.
  6. Perhaps DC should tell the Archdiocese it will be forced to revoke the Church's tax-exempt status if it doesn't keep its fucking nose out of secular political issues.
  7. Yo, I'ma let you finish, but the 1918 outbreak was one of the greatest pandemics of all time!
  8. Can the Redskins just forfeit the fucking season now?
  9. The Woody love goes as far back with Jay as it does for Jeff. I can think of some circumstances under which Jay would turn down writing music for Woody Guthrie lyrics, but "Jeff already did it" clearly isn't one of them. I mean, it's Woody Fucking Guthrie.
  10. Well, you can relax with a nice 8-6 or 12-9 game tonight.
  11. And I guess that means that Nora is familiar with their music? Wilco entered the MA project through Billy Bragg, with whom Nora was well acquainted (as a listener, anyway). I don't recall her mentioning Uncle Tupelo during Man in the Sand, but she certainly could be aware of their history. Ascribing Jeff/Jay motives at this point seems a bit...manufactured, i guess.
  12. Is there any reason to believe Nora Guthrie has any idea who Uncle Tupelo was?
  13. How the hell was he in Wilco's shadow in 1994?
  14. Take it easy, kiddo. Any chance you're gonna be in Hawaii next week?
  15. I didn't go to first grade, but I don't think "Brigs" is the same as "Briggs".
  16. Dennis and Callahan make me want to light myself on fire.
  17. Holy something. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NckQWGxiAo
  18. I'm open to doing that again, but I'll leave it to someone else to start a thread. Nota bene - I'm not nearly as clever as I used to think I was.
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