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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. None of you are correct. If I could direct you to the first post of the thread, you will understand where you went wrong.
  2. The reason no one has suggested this song yet is because they have read and understood the thread. The greatest Rock and Roll song of all time is "Jawbone" by The Band.
  3. From Merriam-Webster: Why isn't it appropriate in this case?
  4. I don't know what you're talking about. Still wrong.
  5. We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one, then. To me, the easy way out would be to do what everybody expects and light into NBC.
  6. If NBC didn't stick with him in the early years of him doing Late Night, he wouldn't be in the position to be screwed by them (and walk with $45 million). Doesn't mean he doesn't have balls if he thanks him for 25 years of good times and two weeks of bad.
  7. This is the closest anyone has come to being correct (besides me, of course). But no, still wrong. There's still time for you to get right (about the song, of course. You're right about Jay).
  8. This is a thread in which I tell you what is the greatest Rock and Roll song of all time. It doesn't have anything to do with whatever your opinion is on the matter, because if you disagree with me, you are wrong.
  9. I was waiting for the dude at the end to say something about Bill Plaschke.
  10. I'm having fun imagining that fat fuck trying to sing "Mr. Brownstone" and having to pause every eight words to take a hit of oxygen.
  11. Actually, I'm implying that I'm right and you're wrong if you disagree with me. I don't care about universal appeal, I just know I'm right.
  12. I don't give a crap how the Pope presents himself. If he makes music I like, then I like his music. If he makes music I don't like, then I don't like his music.
  13. I don't give a crap how Wilco present themselves. If they make music I like, then I like their music. If they make music I don't like, then I don't like their music.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IF13JxXvGI Yes, I have mentioned this before. No, your favorite song is not the greatest Rock and Roll song of all time. Yes, I have been up since 4:45.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bozbet6uko8
  16. Likewise, if the Republicans take a completely obstructionist stand and filibuster everything that moves, the Democrats can try to use their recalcitrance as a rallying point.
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