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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Right - and they only were like that after they had their epiphanies. Sun and Jin were able to speak English only after the scene with Juliet and the ultrasound, etc.
  2. Also, I'm disappointed Sayid was with Shannon and not Nadia.
  3. Right. They were all together at the end because their time on the island was the most meaningful time of their lives. I think Richard and Isabella end up together in their own Little Chapel at the End of the Universe®. Likewise for Lapidus and Miles. I'm surprised Ben/Alex/Rousseau(?) and Daniel/Charlotte didn't make it. It's not as if they bailed on the finale like Eko. Was everyone paired up except for Locke?
  4. Here is a link with the picture (embedded in the video).
  5. I've seen the drawing in question (it was all over Fox News when I was at my parents' house last weekend), and both figures are labeled, and the gun, in the hand of the figure with the kid's name, is very clearly pointed at the figure labeled with the teacher's name. There is no question what the kid meant to draw.
  6. Jesus, dude. I saw "aps", I thought "alps", I started a thread. It was in no way a shot at you. The spelling didn't even enter my mind. I think Crow should open his thread again, too.
  7. Funny that a show with a Chinese name would inspire a 3 year old child to learn Japanese.
  8. Not knowing the kid's history with matches/fire is hindering my coming to a conclusion about the mother's behavior.
  9. If that's what your ears are telling you, sounds like it's time to find some new ears.
  10. Yep. As far as I'm concerned, all responses to the OP in this thread and the relationship advice thread are valid. If I ask the same question as OB did in his relationship thread and half of the first ten responses are "dump her" - joke or not (and it's clear that some posters were serious, based on their later responses) - it's going to make me assess my relationship and try to figure out what I have said that generated their advice to end the relationship. If I decide to take their advice, their posts were helpful. If I decide to attack the problem from another angle, their posts were h
  11. As far as recognizing the humor, everyone's funny bone is different. And making a joke in an advice thread is not failing to act like a decent human being. Expressing that you hope that poster dies in a fire is.
  12. There is often value in those "throwaway" responses. Seeing someone's humorous reply to your question can help you to take a step back and look at the problem differently.
  13. Dude, take a deep breath and try not to take everything so seriously.
  14. I didn't vote for "You Are My Face," either.
  15. Well, you could always pick your favorite, then say you assume the majority of Wilco fans would pick that one, and leave it off the poll...
  16. Why should she deal with it passive-aggressively instead of directly? "Guys, I really appreciate that you want to take me out and tie one on in honor of my birthday. I want to do that too, but I have something going on Saturday that I need to be clearheaded for. We can get hammered anytime, just not this Friday. What day works for you?" If they have a problem with that, then that's their problem.
  17. Is there a reason why they can't take you out the following Friday?
  18. This lady I know works at an environmental nonprofit which runs a program where you can report litterers online. She sends these reports to the Fairfax County police, who send a letter to the litterer, reminding them of the law and possible consequences if they are caught (since the police didn't witness the infraction themselves, there is no actual penalty). I have reported a lot of people who toss cigarette butts.
  19. Scene on the beach, Jack and Locke sitting on a log Locke: Do you have any idea how badly I want to kill you? Jack: [smirk]
  20. I have figured out how LOST ends.
  21. One assumes the Penguins will be inside during the conflagration as well.
  22. Is it wrong that I'm hoping the Bell Centre just burns down during tomorrow's game?
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