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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Dude, I don't really care about curling. It's entertaining to watch for an hour or two and there are plenty of "sports" that are at least as deserving of being booted from the Olympics. It doesn't bother me that you don't like it. But I did find this to be somewhat painful to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZTg7QKHl98
  2. You didn't stipulate that there had to be video available online of people getting hurt at curling matches. You just said the possibility had to exist. It does.
  3. Any activity that involves ice and 40 pound chunks of granite includes a possibility of bodily injury.
  4. I get signed out about every other time I restart my computer at work. Also only happens with VC. Doesn't happen at home.
  5. Appears to be nbcolympics.com. Clearly someone there has a sense of humor. And is awesome.
  6. Also, "non sequitur" ends in "ur" not "er". The more you know.
  7. The word you're looking for is "phenomenon".
  8. It surprises me to learn that Jeff's solo concerts aren't actually concerts.
  9. Clearly, after futureage brought the issues to the Via Chicago's attention, the Powers That Be, having lost the Element Of Surprise, lost the nerve to foist their Shady and Nefarious Projects on the until then-unsuspecting public.
  10. So how am I going to catch the swine from eating a ham sandwich that hasn't been dipped in fresh, contaminated pig blood?
  11. Not to mention that eating pork would expose you to swine flu.
  12. It was a guy in Minnesota. It is often snowy there. He didn't write the song about the current snowstorms affecting the Eastern seaboard.
  13. I was thinking more like Noel Gallagher crossed with a crazy Terry Gilliam.
  14. That dude lives to hate people who live in cities whose football team won the Super Bowl against the football team he likes.
  15. You forgot to log in as irememberdboon.
  16. You're not my father. I don't have to tell you anything.
  17. I don't recall asking a question. No. No. No, because that song is out of Levon's range, and also because it is not "Jawbone".
  18. I did a baseball camp before the season my junior year of high school, and Pulsipher stopped by to drop some knowledge on the pitchers. Man, he thought he was hot shit.
  19. I'm not familiar with that one. Hum a few bars? And all of you (except Lammy) are incorrect.
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