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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. So...because the title of the article says that the government is taking ownership of all the water in the nation, that means that the government is actually taking control of all the water in the nation? Scuse me, I'm up against the deadline for my latest article, "Caliber66 won the Megamillions drawing on 5/8/09".
  2. Well, Manny did push the Red Sox 60+ year-old traveling secretary to the ground for no good reason. But I think for the most part, he's just a fun-loving guy who works pretty damn hard when he wants to, but doesn't always want to. Which is perfectly normal, but I think it's understandable that people hold him to a higher standard, since he's one of the most highly paid players in MLB people on Earth. Dude gets paid $18M a year, you want to see him hustle his ass down the line.
  3. John? Now try to imagine Jay Bennett saying it.
  4. I haven't heard anything about Brian Henneman hating Jeff Tweedy.
  5. Yep. Also, the complaint (items 21 & 22) alleges that he repeatedly requested, and was denied, the compensation he believes he was owed.
  6. I think Jay is doing this because he honestly believes he is owed money, whether he actually is or not.
  7. I believe you overestimate how much money Jeff Tweedy has. We've met already, and Jeff would be pretty foolish to hire me as his accountant.
  8. There is no question that Jeff is an asshole sometimes.
  9. I'm saying that people are pretty complex, and it does us and them a disservice to reduce them to caricatures. Doubly so if those caricatures are based mainly on the appearance of one person in a documentary about a band that was edited and released after he was kicked out of the band during the filming of said documentary and thus the portrayal of said person may have suffered a touch, even if it was not intentional. And, of course, a lawsuit. But as people have pointed out, nobody here has any idea whether or not said lawsuit has any merit, and would do well to withhold judgment on the matte
  10. Sure he does. He could be a pretty angry guy sometimes (often, even), despite his gentle "my love belongs to who sees it" persona. Which is not to say that the gentle guy isn't the real guy, just that the angry guy isn't not the real guy too.
  11. "Crash into Me" wasn't out until after Uncle Tupelo had already broken up. Different eras, brah. "Satellite," maybe.
  12. ...and in further related news, Buford had a case against Smokey for other activities.
  13. This: seems to be a pretty sloppy analysis of the claim. The article also seems to suggest (through poor editing, rather than intent, I'm sure) that Jay is suing Jeff because he was portrayed badly in IATTBYH. edit: it does seem very odd to me that he's suing Jeff and not the label or management.
  14. I think it's money earned from sales and performance of those songs created during each member's tenure. So royalties from all the songs published from 11/94 to 8/01 would be continually and perpetually paid to those members who were part of the band at that time, no matter when they are played.
  15. Um. Jay Bennett was all over I Am Trying To Break Your Heart. Of course he should be getting residuals for new showings of the movie.
  16. So the only way for Jeff Tweedy to be culpable in this case is for him to have personally written the DVD contract? As for #2 up there, I'm not a lawyer, nor do I pretend to be one, but there are cases where a contractual situation can exist without a signed contract. That seems to be what Jay is alleging. He was held to the terms of the contract, but was not compensated as if he had signed it. Thanks for calling me a name.
  17. Thanks for answering my questions. Opinions and speculation generally should be based on something (besides liking one guy better than another). I didn't call your opinions irrelevant, I only suggested that the facts that Jeff did not personally write the DVD contract, and that Jeff is not stealing checks intended for Jay, are irrelevant to both Jay's lawsuit and this discussion.
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