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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I don't have much use for Arcade Fire, and care less about the Decemberists, but I love Neutral Milk Hotel. Love it.
  2. As Lewis Grizzard (RIP) liked to say, "'Naked' [or, rather, 'NAY-kid'] means you ain't got no clothes on. 'Nekkid' means you ain't got no clothes on and you're up to somethin'."
  3. I think the 's' is one of those pinwheel fireworks.
  4. I did not realize that you were Rush Limbaugh.
  5. As far as I know, the record label (and therefor the band) gets the same amount per unit whatever the store sells it for, so it shouldn't make a difference.
  6. Supposedly, they had the O removed after their first win.
  7. Looks to me like there are windows, and what is missing is the outer cladding. There's no reason to believe that not having an outer window is safer than having one the building department has determined is not safe enough to be used - say, for example, it has a tendency to blow off the building when the wind gets up a bit. edit: having a period bumper on your antique car isn't the same as using unsafe building materials.
  8. What's to understand? You turn the pedals, the bike goes. You stop turning the pedals, the bike stops.
  9. Oh yeah, 11-1 is 11-1, definitely.
  10. Not to take anything away from the Marlins' accomplishments, but it should be noted that they have done this against the Nationals, and consequently have trailed in the ninth inning in three consecutive games to the worst team in the history of forever.
  11. For a smart guy, he did something pretty stupid yesterday.
  12. The Nats need to just swap their entire bullpen with their AAA club.
  13. Wow. Every Indians starter except Ryan Garko scored at least two runs today.
  14. How do you know the woman posed no threat? How do you know it's a woman, even? How is it clear that the officer intentionally allowed the dog to bite the man in the white pullover? It appeared to me the officer was attempting to restrain the dog. These are all horribly shaky videos that appear to have been shot on someone's camera phone, and I'm supposed to take them as irrefutable evidence of police brutality? Again, where's the context? You see forty seconds of video - what happened before the video began and what happened after it ended? The videos, as they often are, appear to have been ed
  15. BAMBOUSOULED Most people think this word is pronounced like it's spelled - "bamboo soled" - but it's actually pronounced "bamboozled".
  16. I'm not a cheerleader, and I'm not saying that the American taxpayers are getting a good deal here. You said that Goldman Sachs is not paying anything back, which is a demonstrably false statement, however you care to spin it. I never said anything about being satisfied with any results, nor did you until this post (except when putting words in others' mouths) - your original position was that Goldman didn't pay any money back to the government, and that was the only point I was addressing.
  17. Look, I have loaned out $105, and been paid back $30. It's possible that I'm never going to see the $75, and that's bad, but you can't say that I haven't received back $30 because I clearly have. You said Goldman didn't pay back anything. That's false. AIG may not be paying back anything, but that's a different matter. Believe whatever fuzzy math you like about losing all the taxpayer money that was loaned to the banking industry.
  18. No. I got my 30 back from John. If giving John his 40 makes Jim less likely to pay me the 75 he owes me, I'm still only out 75, not 105. John is not "not paying anything back." It doesn't matter what Goldman is calling the money (profits, windfall, pillage), as long as it is coming back to the Treasury - which it seems to be.
  19. Say, for example, I loan John 30 bucks and Jim 75 bucks. If John gets the 40 bucks he owes from Jim and gives me my 30, how has John not paid back the 30 he borrowed from me?
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