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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I saw Wall E on the plane this morning somewhere over the midwest. It was cute.
  2. Here's my guess: Jeff: Guitar Nels: Guitar John: Bass Glenn: Drums Mikael and Pat: Other
  3. I am now listening to Being There.
  4. You eat pieces of twang for breakfast?
  5. Sure, he's not a good guy, and he has urged his listeners to kill ATF agents - a statement which he says was taken out of context, just as Ayers has said his comments stating that he doesn't regret acts of domestic terrorism were taken out of context. Of course, Liddy went to prison for his involvement role in Watergate, and, to some, has paid his debt to society, while Ayers hasn't. Again, Obama's connection to Ayers (such as it is) is irrelevant, as is McCain's connection to Liddy (such as it is).
  6. He's right about Phillies phans, at least.
  7. The "Are you serious?" comment was in response to your assertion that the Obama connection to Ayers and McCain's military record constitutes a false parallel because "McCain is running for president [and] Ayers isn't." Both situations have to do with choices made by a current presidential candidate.
  8. I almost chose Tekulve over Kurt Rambis when looking for new glasses for ction. True story.
  9. My point is, you are saying that Obama's ties (such as they are) to Ayers are irrelevant, and I have already said they are irrelevant. I don't have any problem with you. You do seem to take it pretty personally when people disagree with you, though.
  10. Did you miss the part where I said it was irrelevant?
  11. That's the point I've been trying to make, though I have not done a very good job of it.
  12. Is Grant Park in Waikiki? Then I don't think I'll be able to make it.
  13. Um, and we are judged on those with whom we choose to associate. If McCain had a working (or otherwise) relationship with a domestic terrorist, you better believe we would be hearing about it.
  14. You really seem to think you know a lot about people you don't know anything about. Jesus, I was hoping the Rays would pull this one out, because I like their players (mostly), but I've definitely changed my mind. I can't imagine liking a team's fans less than I like Philadelphia fans, but now I think I do. Congrats! Go Phils!
  15. "There's nothin in the Bible about no daggone infield fly rule!"
  16. I know of a bunch of Red Sox fans who $63000 for ALS this summer. Do they deserve contempt too?
  17. I think it's a natural reaction to some of the things McCain has said to want to retaliate. Like you said, though, it's moot.
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